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  Nothing helped me understand the importance of a strong employer brand more than a conversation with a friend who had just finished law school. She got accepted to intern with Templars and she’s been shouting it to the high heavens ever since. I asked her if she would have reacted the same way if probably the acceptance was from Ike O. Ike. Chambers and she screamed, “No, I would never have even applied to work there.”
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That made an impression on me and reminded me of something I once heard Seth Godin, the Marketing genius say, “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories, and magic.” And I daresay the same applies to where people choose to work. People don’t just seek employment, they seek relations, connection with stories, and to be part of creating magic. This is what having a strong employer brand positions your company as – a place where people can come in, build profitable relations, connect with the stories you’re telling, and be part of the magic you’re creating. If you’re an SME or MSME in Nigeria, there has never been a better time to develop a strong employer brand than now. In this post, we will be taking a closer look at what exactly an employer brand is and then a few strategies on how you can develop a strong employer brand for your business.

What Is Employer Branding?

Employer branding simply refers to the reputation a company has as a place to work. According to Simon Barrow, co-author of the book, The Employer Brand, employer branding is “the package of functional, economic, and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company.” Simply put, it’s what employees and job seekers think about working for your company. Employer branding is different from the regular branding that businesses do which defines how they present themselves to customers. This is about how they present themselves to current and potential employees. When done right, it can make a huge difference in how people perceive your company and can lead to better retention, employee engagement, and overall business success.

Why Does this Matter?

The job market in Nigeria is increasingly becoming candidate-driven. Skilled professionals are more selective about where they want to work, seeking out companies with reputations for fair treatment, growth opportunities, and positive workplace environments. Also, given that the location barrier that used to exist in working for companies outside of the country is gradually being eliminated by remote work options, employers are no longer the only ones doing the choosing, job seekers are also in the driver’s seat. So, developing a strong employer brand helps companies attract the right candidates and ensure employees remain committed and motivated.

How to Build a Strong Employer Brand

Define and Showcase Your Company’s Values and Culture
A strong employer brand begins with defining your company’s core values. What do you stand for? How does your company treat its employees? Do you encourage growth and learning, or provide a flexible work-life balance? These values should resonate not only with potential employees but also align with your company’s long-term goals.
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It’s also important to pay attention to your company’s culture, including the practices, and attitudes that define the work environment. For instance, a business with a culture that prioritizes transparency, teamwork, and career development will naturally attract individuals who are looking for a positive work environment.
Communicate Your Employer Value Proposition (EVP)
An Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is a clear statement about the benefits and rewards employees can expect when working for your company. It’s important to craft an EVP that resonates with Nigerian professionals, taking into account what they truly value. For example, while salary and job security are important, many Nigerian workers also care about work-life balance, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and a positive workplace culture. Crafting a strong EVP that reflects these values will help your company stand out.
Leverage Social Media and Employee Advocacy
Today, social media plays a huge role in shaping perceptions and as such makes it an incredibly powerful tool in employer branding. Many Nigerians, especially young professionals, are highly active on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. To develop a strong employer brand, regularly share stories about your company’s work culture, employee achievements, and even behind-the-scenes moments. Encourage your employees to do the same. When employees speak positively about their work experience, it has a greater impact on potential hires than any company-produced content. The UBA and Heirs Holdings Boss, Tony Elumelu does this well. Check him out and borrow a leaf or two from his playbook.
Invest in Employee Development
Nowadays, job seekers aren’t just looking for a paycheck, they want a company that can invest in their future. People want to work for companies where they can grow. A key aspect of building a strong employer brand is to demonstrate that your company values learning and career development. Offering mentorship programs, training opportunities, and a clear career path can significantly improve your brand’s appeal. Equally important is recognizing and rewarding employees’ efforts. This doesn’t always have to be monetary—public recognition, awards, and promotions all play a role in making employees feel appreciated.
Offer Competitive Salary and Benefits
After all is said, salary and benefits still play a major role in job satisfaction. Offer your employees a competitive salary and ensure it is paid as at when due. No one likes to be owed salaries. And then, more than salary, provide them with other benefits like healthcare, flexible work hours, and opportunities for career growth.
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It is also important to the work environment you create for your employees. A supportive and collaborative atmosphere where employees feel valued and heard will not only help retain top talent but also attract new employees.
Featured Image Source: Work Compass
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This article was first published on 28th September 2024 and updated on October 1st, 2024 at 12:52 pm


Ifegwu-Mbonu Victor is a Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer who provides training and coaching to individuals and organizations.

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