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  Truth be told, 2023 has been a tough year for many of us, with financial constraints here and there. But does that mean we will not celebrate Christmas? Of course not! As we bid farewell to 2023, we will not allow “sapa” to dim the festive spirit of Christmas. In this article, you’ll discover how you can realistically celebrate this Christmas on a budget, no matter how tight it is. Let’s get right into it!
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  • Create a Budget and Stick to It

If you’re serious about celebrating this Christmas on a budget without unnecessary billing, you must not skip this part. Set a budget that aligns with your financial comfort zone and stick to it. Discipline is key, avoid the temptation of impulse purchases. And here’s a nugget for the future: kickstart next year’s holiday budget right after this Christmas, so you’re well-prepared for the festivities.
  • Skip the Family Trip

Especially for our Igbo brothers and sisters who value end-of-the-year travels, the temptation of family gatherings during Christmas is undeniable, but with this current economic situation, consider skipping the expensive family trip. Acknowledge that travel costs may stretch your budget thin. Instead, get creative with virtual celebrations or plan for a more modest family gathering in the coming year.
  • Embrace the Magic of Reusable Decorations

Use last year’s decorations. If they’re still in good shape, why not give them another spin? Remember, there’s a charm in reusing. It’s not just about saving money; it’s about embracing the nostalgia and simplicity that comes with decorations that have witnessed more than one Christmas.
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  • Avoid Comparison

In the sea of holiday cheer, resist the urge to compare your celebrations to others. Your neighbour might be hosting a grand renovation or tethering goats, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep up. Celebrate within your budget, unlock, and revel in the unique magic of your budget-friendly festivities.
  • Streamline Your Festive Menu

Christmas feasts are legendary, but you don’t need a bottomless budget to whip up a delightful spread. Simplify your menu without sacrificing joy. Choose budget-friendly recipes and prioritize essentials. A scaled-down menu can be just as delicious and memorable.
  • Craft Handmade Gifts

Give your wallet a breather by exploring the world of handmade gifts. Get creative with DIY crafts or heartfelt, personalized gifts. Not only does it add a personal touch, but it also shows your loved ones that the true value of a gift lies in the thought and effort put into it.
  • Host a Potluck Celebration

Share the joy of the season by inviting friends and family to contribute to the feast. Hosting a potluck not only eases the financial burden but also turns your celebration into a communal effort. Each dish becomes a shared expression of love and goodwill.
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Final Thoughts

In the end, it all boils down to the fact that we’re celebrating the birth of Christ. You’re not the celebrant, so don’t put yourself under pressure to show up financially. Use this opportunity to rediscover the genuine joy of Christmas, surrounded by loved ones, warmth, and laughter. By setting a budget, making mindful choices, and adding a touch of creativity, your celebration can be as spirited as ever. Remember, it’s not about keeping up with the grandeur but embracing the essence of the season. Happy celebration! Featured Image Source: Netmums
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This article was first published on 15th December 2023


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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