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Is there anyone anywhere who will send out a mail and not expect a reply from the recipient? Yet, that is the case we often find ourselves. We dream, we hope, we aspire and we love yet, no response from anywhere. There seems to be heavy traffic preventing the message from getting to the receiver or vice versa. The point remains…there is a heavy traffic.

Jobless folks send out resumȇ hoping to get a response but most often, the person at the other end of the line either ignores the call or pretends the phone isn’t ringing. And when he eventually picks, he doesn’t say a word leaving the caller confused and frustrated. The same goes for love. We love expecting to receive almost the same measure but nothing comes back. That is a hollow mockery.

Is there any difference to our dreams, our aspirations? I think not. So many dreams have died, buried and forgotten due to lack of response from anywhere. The heart shrinks at delayed responses. Yet, we are expected to keep dreaming, to keeping loving, to keep hoping, to keep doing whatever it is we are doing without relenting. A difficult task it is but do we have a better offer?

 Never stop pushing notwithstanding the setbacks you might encounter― for good things comes to those who wait.

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This article was first published on 7th July 2016


Chinyere Okoroafor has a B.A in English from the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State. She is a fashion designer, writer and the Founder and CEO of Find Your Voice Network. You can reach her via email at

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