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  One of the many things that small business owners often struggle with is marketing their businesses. Many don’t realize that as a small business owner, your marketing needs depend largely on them and unless they get it right, they may struggle with sales. If you run a small business in Nigeria, you’ve likely heard the phrase “carry your market on your head” before.
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It’s a popular saying that implies taking complete ownership and responsibility for your business. But beyond the surface meaning, it holds a deeper meaning for you as a as Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) owner. It’s important for you to actively promote your business or else, no one else will do it. If you’re familiar with the Nigerian markets and even street trading, you would probably have seen some of these market women balancing trays or baskets on their heads, calling out to potential customers with energy and enthusiasm. That’s the same way you should be doing with your business and in this post, I will share with you some reasons why.

1. No One Will Market Your Business Like You

Firstly, I need you to know that no one will market your business like you, especially as a small business owner. You are the face of your brand, and it’s up to you to put your business out there. Chances are that you understand your business more than anyone else and you know the value of what you offer inside and out. One thing you have to understand is that “people buy from people, not companies.” And in Nigeria, one of the most effective ways to reach new customers is through word of mouth. People trust recommendations from friends, family, and even the business owner. When you carry your market on your head, you are making sure everyone in your network knows what you sell, what you offer, and why they should choose you. By so doing, they in turn can help promote your business to others within their network. If you sit back and wait for customers to come to you without actively promoting yourself, you might be waiting forever.

2. Marketing is Not a One-Time Event

A common mistake that many small business owners make and which you probably are making, is thinking that once they’ve launched their product or service, customers will just come flooding in. That’s why many focus their attention solely on their product instead of marketing and distribution. Marketing is not something you do once and forget about. It’s like constantly carrying your wares on your head and calling out to passersby. Marketing is an ongoing activity and it requires consistency to make an impact. It’s important to state at this point that when I speak of marketing, it doesn’t just mean advertising. It goes beyond advertising, it involves showing up consistently, building relationships, educating your customers, and ensuring that they keep coming back.
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3. Your Business Needs Visibility

As a small business owner, you need to ensure that your business is visible. Without visibility, you will lose out on countless opportunities. With the advancement in technologies and the increase in the number of social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, the battle for attention is real. So, carrying your market on your head means making sure that people constantly see and hear about your business. You don’t wait for customers to find you, you go to where the people are. What this means also is that you can no longer rely on just one method of reaching customers. One of the mistakes you will make is to assume that once you have set up your business, customers will just start flowing in. I’m sorry to let you know that if this is your mindset, you go chop breakfast. It doesn’t work like that. You have to actively show up every day, market yourself, and make your business known. Social media probably offers you the cheapest and most effective way to increase your visibility. The important thing is to be where your customers are and there are millions of Nigerians on social media.

4. More People Will Know, Like, and Trust You

It’s been said that ‘people do business with who they know, like, and trust’. That’s the KLT Principle. And one way you achieve a high KLT is by carrying your market on your head. When you carry your market on your head, you’re telling your customers and potential clients that you believe in your business. This translates to trust. If they keep seeing you showing up for your business, they’ll be more inclined to trust you. If they see you actively promoting and improving your products or services, they’ll feel confident doing patronising you.

5. Keeps You Ahead of the Competition

Finally, carrying your market on your head keeps you ahead of the competition. Competition is tough, and everyone is vying for the same customers. Your competitor is no longer just Iya Tunde who has the shop just opposite you, your customers now include Mama Chijioke in Aba and Alhaja Fatima in Kano.
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If you aren’t constantly pushing your business forward, someone else will. Marketing your SME helps you stay relevant, and when customers need your product or service, you’ll be the first person they think of. The truth is, you cannot afford to be complacent. The minute you stop actively promoting your business, the market moves on without you. Remember, there are thousands of businesses out there doing the same thing you are. What sets you apart is your commitment to marketing and growing.
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This article was first published on 28th September 2024 and updated on October 1st, 2024 at 12:54 pm


Ifegwu-Mbonu Victor is a Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer who provides training and coaching to individuals and organizations.

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