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Most school leavers dream of landing the perfect job that meets all their expectations and offers security for a long time. However, only a little percentage of these people actually get this perfect job and the rest are left in the labor market hustling to make ends meet. Job hunting can prove very difficult if you cannot differentiate between what you need and what you want. Majority of job seekers remain jobless for a long time mainly because they do not work hard enough to get what they need instead of what they want. For example, a young graduate may waste a lot of time dreaming of a high-paying job instead of focusing on practical skills that can earn him reasonable income. Before you start searching for jobs everywhere, here are some useful things you can do to help yourself:

1. Acquire a skill: The most important thing about learning a skill is interest, and relying only on your certificate is not advisable with the current trend of things. When acquiring a skill, make sure it is something you actually enjoy doing so that it can feel like a hobby instead of work. Skills do not have to be complex or difficult to acquire, just choose the ones you like doing and improve your expertise. You never can tell how useful these skills may be when you eventually get the job.

2. Know your options: Although it may seem tempting to jump at any job you are being offered, it is important to know where you stand. There a lot of things to be considered before choosing a particular job even though the offer might seem juicy. Know whether you want to be an employee for a long time or you would rather be your own boss. Before you start job hunting, consider all the options you have on ground and determine which one is best for you.

3. Set a time limit: Joining the job seekers club is not always fun, in fact, it is loaded with frustrations and disappointments especially when you become a member for too long. Before you start looking for jobs, write a reminder somewhere that will help you focus more and keep you on your toes. For example, if you set a period of about three years to find a job and the deadline meets you still job hunting, then you know it is time to fall back on a plan B.

4. Know the basics: You cannot expect to land that dream job if you do not even know how to write curriculum vitae. Before you start your job hunting, ensure you get the basic skills you will need at your job. Learn how to comport yourself at an interview, how to communicate effectively and other simple basic skills that are necessary for you to get employed.

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This article was first published on 23rd November 2016
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Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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