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In our daily lives, we come across different kind of fruits, foods, vegetables, spices and nuts. It is perfectly normal to prefer certain ones above others. All kind of plants and fruits have one nutritional benefit or the other and our job as human beings is to know these benefits and how to use them properly.  There are many types of nuts that we eat even though we are not sure of their effects on the body system. However, below are some of the common nuts eaten in Nigeria and their importance to health:

 1. Kola nuts: kola nuts The scientific name for this nut is Cola acuminate and it is commonly eaten by the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. The kola nut is called gworo among the Hausas, obi among the Yorubas and oji in Igbo land. This nut is quite rich in caffeine and is sometimes chewed as a stimulant because it also contains theobromine which increases cerebral circulation. Kola nut also helps to increase oxygen levels in the blood and may help in reducing bacteria that cause tuberculosis and meningitis.   2. Tiger nuts:
tiger nuts
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Commonly referred to as ofio in Yoruba, aya in Hausa and aki ausa, tiger nuts are highly nutritive as they have a good amount of dietary fibre, glucose, starch, proteins and a host of essential minerals. Tiger nuts can give your body an energy boost when consumed in the right proportion, they help control blood pressure and they also have the ability to help prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer. People that have lactose intolerance can drink tiger nut milk as they do not contain lactose.   3. Walnuts: walnuts During the rainy season, walnuts are commonly sold on the streets and highways in Nigeria. Walnuts have many areas of importance in the body system as it contains antioxidants, folate, vitamin E and omega-3 fats. They also contain a compound known as melatonin which helps in inducing sleep. A large amount of antioxidants present in walnuts makes them very effective in protecting the heart by destroying free radicals. They are also advised to be eaten in order to prevent diabetes and pancreatic cancer.   4. Groundnuts: groundnuts Groundnuts are popular, and enjoyed by almost everyone either in roasted or boiled form. They contain a good amount of the B-complex vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Groundnuts can help in lowering the risks of heart diseases and weight gain. They are also very rich in energy and assist the body in maintaining brain health.

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This article was first published on 26th July 2016


Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

Comments (1)

One thought on “Four Nuts That are Good for Your Health”

  • Jelifat thanks for your post. i want more clarification on cola. i have been told that cola is not good because it contains cafaine

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