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  Hey there, boss! Are you constantly peeking over your team’s shoulders? Asking for updates every five minutes? If so, you might be guilty of micromanagement. Micromanagement often comes from a good place – you want things done right. But here’s the thing: it can hurt your team’s morale and productivity. So, let’s talk about some better ways to lead your team without falling into the micromanagement trap.
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Why Micromanagement Is a No-Go

Before we dive into the alternatives, let’s chat about why micromanagement is such a problem. When you micromanage, you’re telling your team, “I don’t trust you to do this right.” Ouch, right? This can make your team feel stressed, unappreciated, and less confident in their abilities. Plus, it eats up your time and energy, which you could be using for more important leadership tasks. So, how do we fix this? Here are seven trust-building alternatives to micromanagement that’ll help you empower your team and boost their performance.
  1. Set Clear Expectations

One reason managers fall into micromanagement is that they’re not sure their team knows what to do. The fix? Set crystal clear expectations from the get-go. When you assign a task, make sure your team member understands:
  • What needs to be done
  • Why it’s important
  • When it needs to be finished
  • What success looks like
When expectations are clear, you can step back and let your team work their magic without the need for micromanagement.
  1. Focus on Results, Not Methods

Here’s a big secret: there’s often more than one way to get something done. When you micromanage, you’re usually forcing your way of doing things onto your team. Instead, try focusing on the result. Tell your team what you need accomplished, then let them figure out how to get there. You might be surprised by the creative solutions they come up with when freed from micromanagement!
  1. Regular Check-ins (Not Check-ups)

Micromanagement often involves constant, unscheduled check-ups that can feel like ambushes. Instead, set up regular check-ins with your team. These could be weekly one-on-one or team meetings. During these times, your team can update you on their progress, and you can offer guidance if needed. This way, everyone knows when to expect communication, reducing the stress of surprise micromanagement.
  1. Delegate Authority, Not Just Tasks

Micromanagement often happens when you delegate tasks but do not have the authority to make decisions about those tasks. Try giving your team members not just responsibilities, but also the power to make decisions related to their work. This shows you trust them and helps them grow their skills. It’s a win-win situation that leaves no room for micromanagement.
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  1. Provide Resources and Support

Sometimes, micromanagement comes from a fear that your team won’t have what they need to succeed. Combat this by ensuring your team has all the resources and support they need upfront. This could be training, tools, or access to information. When you set your team up for success, you’ll feel less need to micromanage.
  1. Encourage Open Communication

Create an environment where your team feels comfortable coming to you with questions, concerns, or ideas. When your team knows they can reach out to you anytime, you’ll feel less need to constantly check in on them. This open-door policy is a great alternative to micromanagement and builds trust both ways.
  1. Appreciate Wins and Learn from Mistakes

Instead of nitpicking every little thing (hello, micromanagement!), focus on appreciating wins and learning from mistakes. When a team member does great work, shout it from the rooftops! And when things don’t go as planned, treat it as a learning opportunity rather than a failure. This positive approach builds confidence and encourages your team to take initiative.

Putting It All Together

Moving away from micromanagement isn’t always easy, especially if it’s been your go-to management style. But trust me, it’s worth it. When you empower your team with these alternatives to micromanagement, you’ll likely see:
  • Increased productivity
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • More innovation and creativity
  • Stronger trust between you and your team
  • Less stress for everyone (including you!)

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Final Thoughts

Great leadership is about bringing out the best in your team, not controlling their every move. Ready to kick micromanagement to the curb? Start by picking one or two of these alternatives and giving them a try. You might be amazed at how your team steps up when given the chance. And who knows? You might find that letting go of micromanagement not only makes your team happier and more productive but also frees you up to focus on bigger, more important aspects of leadership.
Got a suggestion? Contact us:

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This article was first published on 2nd October 2024 and updated on October 5th, 2024 at 9:40 am


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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