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Not every death is caused by village people. Some are caused by the choices we make. If we must stay healthy, then we have to start taking care of ourselves. This has nothing to do with fashion and everything to do with our food choices. Our topic is today is heart-friendly foods. I’m sure we all know someone who is either living with cardiovascular-related issues or has died from it. So, if we want to stay healthy, we should take better care of our hearts by incorporating heart-friendly meals into our diet. These foods will lower our cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and possibly prevent a heart attack. I hope all those who come across this article will find time to share it with loved ones who are living with heart diseases. I also hope that it makes those who have no cardiovascular-related issues to make the necessary food adjustments that could make a big difference in their cardiovascular health. Having said that, the following are heart-friendly foods:
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Dark Chocolate

How dark chocolate could boost brain health, immunity
Medical News Today
I don’t know how it came to be that chocolate is used to express love. Women love it sha, so it’s widely accepted as a gift for Val, wedding anniversaries and birthday celebration. Now, most chocolates fall into one of three categories– milk, white and dark chocolates. Milk chocolates are by far the most popular. But if you want to eat chocolates that are heart-friendly,  then, go for dark chocolates. They contain about 35% cocoa liquor as opposed to milk chocolate that has 10% and white chocolates which has only cocoa butter. The cocoa solids in dark chocolate are important because it can be an indicator of the dietary flavonoids it contains. Flavonoids are linked to lower risk of coronary heart disease. It may also lower blood pressure and boost blood circulation. So, the next time you go chocolate shopping, check their cacao content before purchase.


How To Cook Beans Porridge ~ Dee's Mealz
Dee’s Mealz
I’m almost certain that some people who have been following my Did You Know? segment will be like, beans again?  Well, you can see for yourself that beans is the king of foods. Multiple studies have associated beans consumption with a reduction in levels of triglycerides and bad LDL cholesterol. Beans consumption has also been linked to reduced blood pressure and inflammation both of which are risk factors for heart disease.


13 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts
You can snack on this nutritious, heart-friendly food. Walnuts provide fat, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Incorporating walnuts into your diet can enhance blood flow. It can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels and it can also help to decrease blood pressure too. Therefore, eat walnuts if you want to lower the risk of heart disease.

Dark Green Vegetables

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Are Loaded With Antioxidants
Health By Antioxidants
If you are familiar with the saying, the darker the green, the greater the nutrition, then you must know that it applies to good old vegetables. Dark green vegetables are some of nature’s richest foods; they offer the greatest protection against heart disease. The nutrients found in these vegetables have been said to alleviate high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease. So, the next time you see dark green vegetables in the market, no do eye like says you no see them. Buy them and use them for your recipes.
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Soy Foods

Soy foods in your diet
About Kids Health
A glass of soy milk can actually work wonders for your heart. That’s because soy foods are naturally cholesterol-free and low in saturated fat. They are also a good source of polyunsaturated fat which has a number of heart health benefits like lowering cholesterol. Need I say more? Find a way to include soy foods in your diet. If you can’t drink soy milk, make smoothie with it. You can also make snacks with soybeans and you can grind it to powder to lick or use as you please. Any way na way.


Tomatoes are more than a delicious treat!
The Statesman
You may not know this but the fresh tomatoes in your kitchen are actually superfoods. The lycophene which gives tomatoes its red colour also plays a role in heart health. Thanks to it, tomato consumption decreases levels of oxidized LDL. Lycophene intake from tomatoes is also said to reduce the risk of stroke and lowers systolic and diastolic blood pressure.


What Is Colloidal Oatmeal? Benefits, Uses, and Safety
If you ask me, I’d say, you don’t have to like this food to eat it. Just acquire the taste for it. Your heart will thank you. Studies have shown that the beta glucan fibre in oatmeal is effective at reducing both total and LDL cholesterol levels. What’s more, the antioxidants in oatmeal work together with Vitamin C to prevent LDL oxidation.


8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Papaya
This tropical fruit has high vitamin C and lycophene content. Studies have shown that the consumption of foods that are rich in Vitamin C and lycophene may help prevent heart disease. The antioxidants in papaya may protect your heart and enhance the protective effects of “good” HDL cholesterol. In conclusion, you are what you eat. Therefore, choose heart friendly foods that will maximize your health.   References: Cleveland Clinic Cooking Greens Everyday Health Healthline On Health   Featured Image Source: WnAPay
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This article was first published on 16th July 2020
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Udevi, Obiamaka Angela holds a Master of Arts degree in History & International Studies. She's a freelance writer with a passion for food and healthy living. She can be contacted through her email address,

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