By Nehi Igbinijesu. First, let me state that this book was one of the most important books written in 2012. Guiding Light Assembly Senior Pastor, Wale Adefarasin aptly zeroes in on the real reason for Nigeria’s myriad of problems- succession planning.  This book concisely cascades how the neglect for generational succession planning facilitated the crippling of societal advancement starting at home, and then, in business and government. It broaches the need for and benefits of raising successors with the right mindset and why planning trans-generationally is essential to today’s leaders across every strata. Written in a very intriguing manner, Pastor Adefarasin doesn’t only speak about leadership in this book, but also about fathering, envisioning, planning, sustaining institutions and inculcating values.   It is a must read.

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This article was first published on 19th December 2012 and updated on January 17th, 2013 at 11:21 am

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