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  Social media is where many customers go first to ask questions or voice their concerns. X (formerly Twitter) has become a key platform for customer service, offering businesses a fast, public way to respond to their customers. However, handling customer service on a platform like X requires careful attention. You don’t just want to answer questions—you want to make a positive impact. Let’s talk about the best practices to make sure your customer service on X is smooth, and effective, and builds strong relationships with your customers.
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  1. Be Responsive and Timely

One of the main reasons people reach out to brands on X is that they expect a quick response. Customers don’t want to wait hours, let alone days, for an answer. Being timely shows your customers that you care about their concerns and value their time. A slow response can frustrate them and even cause them to take their business elsewhere.
  • What you should do: Set up alerts or use tools that notify you immediately when someone mentions your brand or sends you a direct message. Aim to respond as quickly as possible, ideally within an hour. If you can’t solve the issue right away, at least acknowledge the message and let them know you’re working on it.
  1. Be Polite, Friendly, and Human

Social media is about conversations, and your customers want to feel like they’re talking to a real person, not a robot. Whether they’re upset, confused, or simply asking a question, your tone matters. Responding with warmth, politeness, and a touch of personality goes a long way in calming an upset customer or building a positive relationship.
  • What you should do: Avoid using stiff, formal language. Instead, keep your tone friendly and conversational. Use the customer’s name when possible and show empathy for their situation. Even when dealing with complaints, a kind response can turn a negative experience into a positive one.
  1. Take Conversations to Direct Messages (DMs) When Necessary

While it’s important to publicly acknowledge customer concerns, some situations are best handled privately. For example, if the issue requires sharing personal information, or if a customer is extremely upset, it’s better to continue the conversation through direct messages. This keeps sensitive details private and allows for a more in-depth discussion.
  • What you should do: After replying publicly, invite the customer to continue the conversation through DMs. For example, you could say, “We’re sorry to hear about this issue. Could you please send us a DM so we can look into it further?” This shows other customers that you’re handling the situation while keeping things discreet.
  1. Be Consistent and Professional

Your brand’s voice on X should be consistent, no matter who is managing the account. Customers shouldn’t experience huge shifts in tone, attitude, or professionalism depending on who responds. Consistency helps build trust and gives customers a sense of reliability.
  • What you should do: Create a set of guidelines for whoever handles your social media. These guidelines should include how to respond to both positive and negative feedback, what tone to use, and how to handle complex situations. Ensuring everyone follows the same approach will keep your brand image strong and unified.
  1. Monitor Mentions and Keywords

Sometimes customers don’t directly tag your brand, but they might still be talking about you. It’s important to keep track of any mentions of your company, both direct and indirect. You can pick up on conversations where customers are discussing your products or services and jump in to offer help or advice.
  • What you should do: Use social listening tools to monitor mentions of your brand, even if your handle isn’t tagged. You can also track keywords related to your business or industry. If someone is having trouble with your product, you can offer assistance before they even ask, showing your proactive customer service.

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  1. Respond to Both Positive and Negative Feedback

It’s easy to focus on solving problems when you’re handling customer service on X, but don’t forget to acknowledge positive feedback too! If a customer praises your product or service, take a moment to thank them. This makes your customers feel appreciated and encourages more positive engagement.
  • What you should do: Always respond to positive mentions with a thank you. It can be as simple as, “Thank you for your kind words! We’re so glad you’re enjoying our product!” Positive reinforcement helps build a loyal customer base.
  1. Handle Complaints with Grace and Transparency

Not every customer interaction will be a happy one. You will inevitably deal with complaints, and how you handle them can make or break a customer’s opinion of your brand. Avoid being defensive or dismissive. Instead, acknowledge the issue, apologize if necessary, and offer a solution.
  • What you should do: Always start by apologizing for the inconvenience, even if the problem wasn’t your fault. Then, offer a solution or let them know the steps you’ll take to resolve the issue. For example, “We’re sorry to hear about this issue. Let’s get this fixed for you right away.” Being transparent and owning mistakes helps build trust.
  1. Keep Track of Customer Interactions

If a customer reaches out multiple times, you don’t want to start from scratch each time. Keeping track of past interactions helps you offer more personalized and effective support. It also shows customers that you’re paying attention to their specific needs.
  • What you should do: Use customer relationship management (CRM) tools to keep notes on past conversations. This way, if a customer follows up on an issue, you can pick up right where you left off. It makes the process smoother and more efficient for both you and the customer.
  1. Use Automation Wisely

While automation can help you stay on top of things, you need to be careful not to overdo it. Automated responses can feel cold and impersonal if not done right. Use automation for simple tasks, like confirming receipt of a message, but make sure real people handle the important interactions.
  • What you should do: Set up automated responses for common questions or to let customers know you’ve seen their message. But always follow up with a personalized response as soon as possible to keep the conversation human.
  1. Measure and Improve

It’s important to track your customer service efforts and see what’s working and what isn’t. How fast are you responding? Are customers satisfied with the solutions you’re providing? Regularly review your performance and look for ways to improve.
  • What you should do: Track key metrics like response time, resolution rate, and customer satisfaction. Use this data to make improvements to your customer service strategy, ensuring you’re always getting better at serving your customers on X.

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Final Thoughts

Using X for customer service is a great way to connect with your audience and show them you care. By being responsive, polite, and proactive, you can turn everyday interactions into opportunities to build trust, loyalty, and a positive brand image. Implement these best practices, and watch your customer service on X become a key part of your business’s success!
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This article was first published on 27th September 2024 and updated on September 30th, 2024 at 11:46 am


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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