Most of the ‘lucky’ people that seem to have clear clean faces all the time actually are not born with it. They had to put in some work to ensure that their faces keep glowing. And it is not as hard as you might think, it will just require giving your face a little extra attention and care. The best part that is that it also does not have to be expensive, there is no extra spending involved to get a clear face. When it comes to keeping your face clean and healthy, natural products are your best bet because they will not irritate the skin like the stronger chemical products. The following are useful tips that can help you:
1. Wear less makeup.
The skin needs to breathe and when the pores are clogged with layers and layers of makeup daily, it may begin to react and become susceptible to acne or infections. Even if you have to wear makeup every day, endeavor to wash everything off at night before sleeping.
2. Use natural products.
Instead of the chemical laden products which are usually harsh on the sensitive skin of the face, try using home-made remedies. Simple stuff you can find in your fridge such as eggs, cucumber, honey, lemon and others can do wonders to your face.
3. Try antiseptic soaps.
Although using antiseptics soaps to scrub the face daily does not guarantee that it will be totally free of microbes, it can still go a long way in keeping germs away from your face. The main reason for acne and fungal infections of the face is the constant presence of germs on the face. A good antiseptic soap will help you in eliminating those germs.
4. Moisturize, moisturize.
Do not allow your face to get dry before you use moisturizers on it. Even if you have dried skin, try as much as possible to apply a good moisturizing lotion on your face to keep it supple. Dry skin is more susceptible to cracking and wrinkling. Also drink a generous amount of water daily to increase hydration of the skin from inside.
5. Protect your face from the sun.
The ultraviolet ray from the sun has a damaging effect on the skin, causing wrinkles, age spots, sun burn and other problems. Avoid walking in the sun especially when it is hot in the afternoon. Alternatively, you can use sunscreen or wear hats and face caps that shield your face from the direct sunlight.
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