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Dear youth, how easy it is to forget! The man who is screaming “change” with his last breath ordered the slaughter of your colleagues because he didn’t win in 2011. Dear parents, grandparents and elders, why did you not train up good role models and mentor the young? Dear pastors, we need you to come out and stand tall and say the truth, and not keep out of politics. As pastors, you are supposed to feed the flock, in every possible way. Dear Buhari, give it up. Retire again. For the past 30 years, what have you done to show you love Nigeria and have a great vision for it? Dear Mr. President, you need to come out and own up to your mistakes, you are not super-human. You were not prepared for the job either, but destiny saw it fit to make you President. When you apologize, perhaps people will have a rethink about you. I suggest you focus on 3 things; Education, Health and Power. Fire all YOUR lackluster staff and hire people who are deserving and can get the job done. Whoever comes after you would do the rest. Make it an open and transparent system where Nigerians can participate in picking your cabinet. Dear Nigerians, if you think Buhari or Jonathan is your saviour, please think again. If Jesus were to come and rule you, how many of you would obey Him? What are you doing now to show that you are a good and true Nigerian that loves this country and wants the best for it? You see, I believe that most of us just look for scapegoats to blame for living mediocre lives. We need to forget who is president and do our best to make this country the greatest in the world. If you don’t believe me, why is it that two men who are running for president are one who is doing badly and another who did worse in his time? Are there no men or women of substance or virtue in this country of over 100 million people that can run this country better? I am not pro-Jonathan but I am anti-Buhari and I love my country. I believe that he will take this country backwards, worse than what we have now. Nigerians, vote wisely. We are not talking about the next 4 years; we are talking about the future of Nigeria. We are behind and hanging on a thin rope. We either come together and build for the future or snap the rope and fall.  

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This article was first published on 3rd February 2015

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