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Do you often suffer from neck and back pain? Are you looking for ways to avoid that pain and keep your back and neck in good shape? Then, count yourself lucky because this article will help you tremendously.

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Most people are often not aware of the right posture to keep and afterwards, they suffer from back pain causing them to miss out on fun activities. Most times, they are unable to accomplish their everyday tasks.

We need to take care of our spines so that we do not become victims of excruciating back pain. In this article, we discuss the 8 ways to improve the health of our spines and they cover simple body mechanics and how we can carry ourselves when we do everyday activities.

Below are simple yet important ways to take care of our spines:

Practice good sleeping posture: No doubt, having adequate sleep is important to your overall health. But you cannot afford to sleep anyhow you want; it will cause problems for you. The right posture for sleeping is to sleep on your side, not your stomach. This is because sleeping on your stomach puts too much pressure on your spine. Make sure to buy good mattresses and supportive pillows that will not give you neck pains.

Try some stretches every morning: Stretching helps the back and neck. When you are flexible, the normal joint function will not be a problem. Starting your day with a few good stretches can make your whole body ready to start the day’s work, and at the same time, it can nurture a healthy spine.

Be physically fit: If you do not stay active and exercise regularly, you’re at risk of having low back pain. Endeavour to take walks, swim, bike, or visit the gym. These exercises will help you to maintain a healthy spine. For your exercise routines, consider stretching, strengthening, and aerobic activities; they are good for the back and neck.

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Learn how to lift right: When you do not lift objects in the right manner, you might damage your spine in the long run. The right way to lift objects is to stand so close to the object, and use your legs and knees to pull up the item. Do not use your back or upper body. Bend your knees so your arms are at the same height as the item. Make sure to keep your head down and back straight. If the item is heavy to lift, try to ask people around you for assistance.

Pay attention to your weight: To maintain a healthy weight, you need exercise and a healthy diet. Overweight or obese people are at risk of developing low back pain.

Take enough water: You need fluids in order to maintain soft tissue elasticity and fluidity in joints. Intervertebral (spinal) disks can lose enough water and begin to shrink. If the disks become brittle, they could move out of place and the result could be too disastrous for the victim.

Make sure your workspace encourages good postures: People who work for organizations and own office tables often complain about stiff back, headaches, bad eyesight, etc. They do not realize that they are suffering from all these because their workspaces are not arranged properly to ensure comfort. As an individual, endeavour to make sure your laptop, computer desk, or even your car have the right set-up that is fit for your height and body mass. Choose a chair that provides better back support, or support yourself with a small pillow. Sit with your knees at 90 degrees (at about the same level as your hips) and your feet should rest comfortably on the floor. Take periodic breaks because sitting in one position for too long will cause back muscles to stiffen.

Do not ignore any bodily signs: If you are starting to feel any back pain, seek help immediately. If left unattended, back pains that occur often would become serious and affect your posture eventually. Always try to listen to your body. Visit the hospital for medical care if your back pains intensify after some time or if it has lasted for quite some time.

Featured Image Source: iStock
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This article was first published on 28th February 2022


Ohia, Ernest Chigaemezu is a writer, editor, and grade teacher based in Jos, Nigeria.

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