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A man’s suit is one important piece of clothing that can’t be ignored, and I think every man should own at least one no matter the job you do. I agree that good suits are expensive, but in buying a suit, keep it in mind that the most expensive ones do not always give you the best fit and you are far better off with two great suits than five mediocre ones. When you wear your suit, you need to feel great, prim and confident no matter how much it costs you. So, have it at the back of your mind that when you decide to buy a suit, it has to be the perfect one – for you. So, here are questions you ask when buying a suit: 1. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE? The quote “when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable” works in every area, so when you want to buy a suit, you need to ask yourself why you are getting one. Are you looking for something to wear to your formal job, a special occasion or a job interview? The answer you get will determine a greater part of the reason why you buy the type of suit you are buying. 2. WHAT FABRIC IS THE BEST? Fabric is one major thing to consider when buying a suit. Most suits are made of wool, and mostly at the upper end, you see wool blended with cashmere. Most people would go for a wool suit because they are rugged and can be worn all year round. Other suit fabrics like linen, cotton and flannel are worth checking out. 3. WHAT COLOUR IS THE BEST? The colour of your suit is the first opportunity to make a positive impression and if you don’t have a large collection of suits and you rarely wear one, a black, charcoal-gray or navy-blue one will always be a safe choice. On the other hand, if you wear suits regularly, you will probably want one of each and a variant of brown as well. Just know that black suits are classic and very formal. But more than that, you should know what is appropriate for the occasion, know what colours highlight your hair, eyes and skin tones. However, when a suit must serve multiple purposes, choose a conservative charcoal grey and vary with appropriate ties. 4. HOW FIT? The most crucial element of a suit is its fit. The suit’s shoulders should hug yours; shoulder pads should not protrude beyond your own shoulders, they are supposed to square with your shoulders; if they drop off or leave dents in the cloth, the suit is too big. You should be able to easily button your suit without it straining. Also, the suit sleeves should never meet the wrist any lower than the base of the thumb — if they do, ask to go down a size. And after choosing a suit that’s an exceptional fit, you may want to take it to a tailor for some final touches, and when you are done, pretend like you’re hailing a cab and see if it’s comfortable to lift your arm; your suit should be well fitted, but not like a straight jacket. 5. SINGLE OR DOUBLE BREASTED? The single breasted suit is versatile and should be your first choice whether you are going for a corporate or casual look. The double-breasted on the other hand is dashing and continental. However, for men on the shorter or heavier side, a single breasted suit will be a wise choice because the double breasted suit adds fabric to your midsection. 6. WHAT ABOUT THE VENT? A center vent is all-purpose; it is both modern and traditional, you can’t go wrong. Double vents on the other hand are a bit more suave. They make it easier for you to reach into your pockets without having to fold your jacket up.  A ventless suit in my opinion is just a bit wrong, and somewhat dated. You might want to leave that in the past.   About the Writer: Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele  

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This article was first published on 13th February 2015


Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele.

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