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As the number of people given to flour-restricted diets is on the rise, flour gotten from cassava is fast becoming the preferred alternative. Here are three reasons why cassava flour could make the top list in every home.

Cassava Flour is Gluten, Grain-Free

Similar to yam, plantain and potato, the cassava plant is a tuber, high in starchy carbohydrate. Hence, it is gluten-, grain- and nut-free.

Cassava Flour is not Poisonous

Except eaten raw due to the naturally occurring cyanide compounds, cassava is not poisonous. The soaking, cooking and fermenting of the root dissolve the toxic compounds, making it safe for consumption.

Cassava Flour is most similar to wheat

Unlike other gluten-free flour such as those gotten from almonds, cassava flour is not grainy or gritty in texture. It rather it is mild, smooth and powdery and can be mixed evenly with wheat flour.

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This article was first published on 9th July 2018
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Amara Adanna Ogbonna is a Christian, foodie, and lover of arts. She spends most of her time on Facebook.

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