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8. Sklar pp 100-115.pmd Is Nigeria indeed a time bomb waiting to explode? There have been rumours and forecasts that the country would be split in two or more parts by 2015- the year the next general elections would be conducted. A phrase in the National Pledge even reads: “to defend her unity…” Is it possible that Nigeria’s disintegration was envisaged when the Pledge was written? There is no doubt that the country is divided along different interest lines and as well ravaged by problems such as corruption, terrorism, massive unemployment, poor electricity supply and a host of other challenges. In spite of the foregoing, the truth is that, there is a way forward for Nigeria. Corruption can be eschewed or reduced to its barest minimum if erring individuals, corporate establishments and government institutions are punished accordingly. The panacea for terrorism is love. This may sound simple. But remarkable progress would be made if Nigerians become congenial with each other irrespective of tribe or religious beliefs. What’s the remedy for unemployment, poor electricity supply and other problems affecting the nation? The answer is; the people. Nigerians (including the leaders) should adhere to every word in the National Pledge. The outcome would be an overwhelming experience of growth and transformation in every sector. Then the issue of disintegration would be a forgotten one. For emphasis sake, here is the National Pledge: “I pledge to Nigeria my Country To be faithful, loyal and honest To serve Nigeria with all my strength To defend her unity And uphold her honour and glory So help me God.”   By Charles Okoh

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This article was first published on 29th July 2013

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