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  Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, is often hailed as one of the most influential entrepreneurs of our time. His journey from a college dropout to the leader of one of the world’s most valuable companies is both inspiring and instructive. For Nigerian founders, the story of Jobs and Apple offers valuable lessons that can be applied to navigate the challenges and opportunities within the Nigerian business environment. By examining Jobs’ approach to innovation, leadership, and resilience, Nigerian entrepreneurs can gain insights that could help them build successful startups that can stand the test of time. In this article, we’ll consider key aspects of Steve Jobs’ success and how these principles can be adapted to the Nigerian context.
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Embrace Innovation

One of the hallmarks of Steve Jobs’ career was his relentless pursuit of innovation. Jobs was never satisfied with the status quo; he constantly pushed the boundaries of what was possible. He believed in creating products that didn’t just meet market needs but anticipated them. This forward-thinking approach was evident in the development of groundbreaking products like the iPhone, iPod, and MacBook. For Nigerian founders, this means looking beyond existing market solutions and striving to create something truly unique. Innovation should be at the heart of every startup, driving new ideas that can solve pressing problems or improve existing processes. The Nigerian market, with its diverse and dynamic consumer base, is ripe for innovative solutions that address local problems in unique ways. Entrepreneurs should focus on understanding the specific needs of Nigerian consumers and think creatively about how to solve these problems with novel products or services. For instance, fintech startups like Flutterwave have revolutionized payments in Nigeria by creating solutions tailored to the local market, demonstrating the power of innovation in achieving success. There are many other untapped sectors available for the taking of any entrepreneur willing to think outside the box.

Prioritize User Experience

Steve Jobs was a master of understanding and prioritizing user experience. He believed that products should not only work well but also be intuitive and aesthetically pleasing. This approach helped Apple to create a loyal customer base and set new standards in the tech industry. Apple products are renowned for their seamless integration of hardware and software, which provides users with an intuitive and enjoyable experience. Nigerian entrepreneurs should adopt a similar approach to creating excellent user experiences by putting their users at the centre of their product development process. This means not only developing functional products but also ensuring they are easy and pleasant to use. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to refine your product continually. For instance, a tech startup developing a mobile app should prioritize a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation, ensuring that the app is accessible even to those who may not be tech-savvy. By prioritizing user experience, Nigerian startups can build strong, loyal customer bases that will drive long-term success.

Resilience and Perseverance

Steve Jobs’ entrepreneurial journey was not without its setbacks. He faced numerous setbacks throughout his career. From being ousted from Apple in 1985 to the initial struggles of NeXT and Pixar. However, he didn’t let these challenges deter him. His resilience and ability to bounce back were crucial to his eventual success. His return to Apple in 1997 marked the beginning of a remarkable turnaround, leading to the development of iconic products and Apple’s rise to prominence. There is a popular saying we have in Nigeria that says, “Doing business in Nigeria is not for the fainthearted”. This is because the Nigerian business environment is one rigged with so many landmines, many of which are external, including unfavourable government policies, multiple taxations, and poor infrastructural development. Founders in Nigeria must, therefore, embrace resilience, develop a thick skin and remain persistent in the face of adversity. To do this, Founders must embrace failure as a learning opportunity and stay committed to their vision.

The Power of a Strong Vision

Jobs was known for his compelling vision of what technology could achieve. This vision was not just about making money, it was about changing the world and enhancing people’s lives through innovative technology. This higher purpose attracted people to what he was building through Apple, creating a cult-like following for Apple products.
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For Nigerian entrepreneurs, having a strong, clear vision is essential. This vision should go beyond profit and reflect a commitment to making a meaningful impact on society. Whether it’s improving access to education, healthcare, or financial services, a purpose-driven vision can inspire and motivate both employees and customers. For example, Andela, the Nigerian company that trains software developers and connects them with global opportunities, has been able to set itself apart in the tech industry through its vision and approach to bridging the global tech talent gap.

Leadership and Team Building

Another critical lesson from Jobs’ journey is the importance of leadership and building a strong, complementary team. Steve Jobs was a charismatic and sometimes controversial leader, but his ability to inspire and lead a team of talented individuals was undeniable. While he was the visionary leader of Apple, he recognized the need for talented individuals to bring his ideas to life. He surrounded himself with skilled professionals who shared his passion and drive. For Nigerian startups, assembling a team with diverse skills and expertise is crucial. Founders should seek out team members who are not only technically proficient but also share the same values and commitment to the startup’s mission. A strong, cohesive team can work together to tackle challenges, innovate, and drive the startup towards success. Also, leadership in a startup context involves more than just managing tasks or projects, it’s about inspiring and empowering your team to achieve their best work. This means fostering a collaborative environment, encouraging creative thinking, and providing the resources and support needed for your team to succeed. Successful Nigerian startups like Paystack attribute much of their success to a strong, dedicated team working towards a common goal.

Attention to Detail

Jobs was known for his meticulous attention to detail. He believed that every element of a product, no matter how small, should be perfect. This obsessive focus on detail contributed to the high quality and reliability of Apple products. Nigerian founders should adopt a similar mindset. Whether it’s the design of a product, the user interface of an app, or the execution of a marketing campaign, paying attention to detail can make a significant difference. Commitment to the pursuit of excellence in every aspect of the business can help startups build a reputation for quality and reliability.

Marketing and Branding

Jobs understood the power of marketing and branding, especially using the power of storytelling to create a compelling narrative around Apple and its products. Apple’s marketing campaigns were legendary, often focusing on the lifestyle and identity of their customers rather than just the technical specifications of their products. This approach created a strong emotional connection between Apple and its users. Nigerian startups can learn from this by developing strong, distinctive brands that resonate with their target audience. Effective branding goes beyond logos, slogans, colour schemes, and branded T-shirts and hoodies; it’s about telling a compelling story and creating an emotional bond with customers. Building a strong brand identity involves understanding the needs and aspirations of their customers and communicating how their product or service can uniquely meet those needs. Additionally, leveraging digital marketing tools and social media platforms can help Nigerian startups reach a wider audience and build brand awareness.
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Concluding Thoughts:

Steve Jobs may have lived and died but his legacy offers a wealth of lessons for entrepreneurs around the world. For Nigerian founders, these lessons are even more important given the uniqueness of the Nigerian business environment. This post has highlighted some of the principles that drove Jobs’ success with Apple which are highly applicable in the Nigerian business environment. By adopting these strategies, founders of startups and businesses in Nigeria can navigate the unique challenges of their environment and build startups that are not only successful but also transformative. In the words of Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry, stay foolish,” and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.
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This article was first published on 1st July 2024


Ifegwu-Mbonu Victor is a Personal Growth and Leadership Trainer who provides training and coaching to individuals and organizations.

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