Company Owner: So tell me about yourself.
Job Seeker: Well, I am 70 and 2 years old.
Company Owner: What else?
Job Seeker: I hate corruption.
Company Owner: That’s good, we all do. What else?
Job Seeker: I was once president.
Company Owner: Great, what did you achieve?
Job Seeker: I locked rich people up. I locked corrupt people up. I locked journalists up. I locked students up. I locked a lot of people up without legal procedure.
Company Owner: Can we see your educational qualifications?
Job Seeker: I left it with my last employer and they said they can’t find it.
Company Owner: Sorry, what do you mean?
Job Seeker: Well, all my certificates are with them but they said they can’t find it. But it not a big deal because I have been president before.
Company Owner: What is your vision for this company?
Job Seeker: To fight corruption.
Company Owner: This is not what we are looking for in a candidate. We want someone that will move the company forward. Why should I hire you?
Job Seeker: Because the guy doing the job now is corrupt. I want to change the company. I want to lock up corrupt people.
Company Owner: After that?
Job Seeker: I have not thought about that. Hire me first.
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This article was first published on 7th February 2015
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