This is a rather interesting topic for me, as I’ve spent years trying out different hair regimens that’ll suit my hair type. Well, eventually I was able to achieve my desired result but along the line I learnt that having healthy hair is a combination of what you are eating, products you use, weather condition and the protective styles you do. The first thing you must know to achieve healthy hair, is to know your hair type. Believe me knowing your hair type will save you from a lot of hassle and crazy hair chemicals portrayed every time you visit the salon or even on your favourite supermarket shelves.
Read also:
Helpful Tips to Prevent Hair Loss
Eating Your Way to Healthier Hair
Now that we have safely gotten that out of the way, this article is particularly for those who have decided to go all natural (like I did late last year). It is very important that you keep your hair well hydrated to prevent damage to your ends. For anyone who has decided to go all natural, it is very important that you always keep a spray bottle containing water within arm’s reach when styling your hair. If you particularly suffer from dull and brittle hair, then you should invest in a small spritz bottle in your bag/purse to spray whenever you dim fit.
Below is my homemade spritz, which I use to hydrate my curls:
1. ½ cup of water
2. ½ cup of Aloe Vera gel
3. 1 teaspoon of Jojoba oil or vegetable glycerin
4. 3-5 drops of any essential oil you love
1. Get a spray bottle of your size
2. Mix all ingredients together in your new spray bottle.
Voila! You have your new hair spritz.
Follow @connectnigeria on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and share yours with me using these hashtags: #Whatisinyourhairspraybottle and #CNWeekendPleasures.
About the Writer: Eniola Adeniji is a woman after God’s own heart, a motivational Writer, Speaker, Fashion and Photography addict. She is also a Business Developer, Social Media Manager and the founder of Woman Of Value. She blogs at
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This article was first published on 26th September 2015
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