When Bankole Oluwafemi was called to bar in Enugu State, he never knew he was going to become a leading force in the Nigerian tech world and create Tech Cabal, a revolutionary publication for all things tech. What started as a hobby has become one of the highest ranked blogs in Nigeria.
The Beginning
When Bankole was about finishing Law school, he attended a startup event and for the first time, he got introduced into the marvelous world of technology. This revelation lead him to start writing about happenings in the technology world and not long after, he realized he had started blogging about technology. Bankole soon decided that he was going to run a blog for technology enthusiasts to share creative ideas and learn about innovations. Within the first eight months of starting, techcabal.com became the largest technology blog in Nigeria. By 2014, it was the largest tech blog in West-Africa.
Pushing Through A Handicap System And The The Search For Highly-Skilled IndividualsBankole Oluwafemi. trueafrica.co
What irked Bankole most when he started Tech Cabal was the problem of skill shortage that plagues most of Nigeria’s workforce. A problem, he believes can be attributed greatly to the Nigerian education system. In his words, “Nigerian private schools are okay even though they still suffer from congenital defects in the way they deliver the learning. But public school is really screwed up. People are not encouraged to ask questions, curiosity is considered a bad thing, and raising your hand is interpreted as if you think you’re better than everyone else as if you’re questioning the teacher’s intelligence”. Apparently, he believes this problem springs from an improper conditioning by the Nigerian education system that stunts the learning process for the student and makes them handicap in acquiring real-life skills. According to him, many artisans know more about Civil Engineering than actual Civil Engineers.
The Big Solution
As a self-taught entrepreneur and curious creative, Bankole credits most of his success to the skills he acquired out of school as an outcome for the quest for personal development. This, he believes is what every sector requires in Nigeria – a central hub big on learning for the Nigerian youths that would give them the contextual baseline for just about any industry. And with this insight, he created Big Cabal Media.
Big Cabal Media is a digital media company focused on creating engaging content for the African youth. The Big Cabal Media solution birthed Tech Cabal in 2013. Tech Cabal holds key insights to various startups, funding, gadgets, tech entrepreneurs and more. It is definitely one of the most educative tech blogs in Nigeria providing software solutions and propagating ideas that are beneficial for the tech market.
Source:True AfricaFeatured Image Source: Mobile West Africa
This article was first published on 13th December 2018 Notice: Undefined variable: last_modified in /var/www/html/articles/wp-content/themes/cnhalptem/content-single.php on line 36
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