Honey is known by most people for its characteristic sweet taste, it is usually used in place of sugar to improve the taste of drinks and food. Although honey is common and readily available in most places and markets, pure honey can be hard to find as a majority of the ones sold are usually diluted with water or other edible substances. Raw and pure honey contains a lot of carbohydrates, calories and antibiotics. There are however two major ways to get the maximum use of honey and these are:
- Internal use: Consumption of pure honey has a lot of benefits for the entire body. The admirable effects of honey in the human body system vary widely and this is one of the reasons why it is regarded as liquid gold for the body. Honey gives energy as a result of the natural sugars present in it and it can help in boosting memory by preventing cellular damage and loss within the brain. Regular consumption of honey also raises blood count in the body and aids in balancing blood pressure. It can be used as a mild sleeping aid and as a remedy for coughs. This liquid gold has also been reported to relieve nausea and indigestion. The advantages of taking honey are endless and the list can go on and on.
- External use: As a result of the antibacterial and antifungal properties of honey, it can be applied directly to wounds and cuts to effectively speed up healing and serve as an antibiotic. Honey has tremendous uses in the natural toning and lightening of the skin. When applied on the skin, it can act as a cleanser, moisturiser and as a scar removing agent. The enzymes present in raw honey help to clarify, soften and beautify the skin. Most spas and massage houses recognize these natural qualities of honey and therefore use it as part of their skin treatment regimens. Honey therefore is a must-have for ladies as a beautifying agent.
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