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Twitter, Twitter is seven years old. The popular micro-blogging website that changed the way the world communicates, now has 200 million users, tweeting 400 million times — everyday. Twitter is celebrating their contributions to events and memories they have created, with a special video. Twitter is a social network that permits 140 characters per post, with each post known as a tweet. Twitter allows picture and video uploads as well, and has a #hashtag feature that lets people create or join a thread of conversation about anything. It also has @mentions, useful for replying, or messaging any account on the network and a following and follower feature that lets people see posts from others and lets others see posts from them, respectively.  Twitter has some of the most popular people in the world, including the US President, Barack Obama and tons of celebrities — with several million followers.

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This article was first published on 21st March 2013 and updated on April 10th, 2013 at 11:22 am

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