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Summer Camp with a Difference Our first Summer Programme, held in July 2016, was non-residential with sixty-two participants from different nationalities including Camerounians, Ghanaians, Nigerians, Gabonese and of course, Togolese. The programme primarily focused on teaching English Language to French speaking nationals. Interaction between participants from the two language groups enhanced their speaking the other language. The social and sporting activities also helped to foster good interpersonal skills and team building. Building on the gains of the last Summer Camp, the 2017 programme is designed to be bilingual with simultaneous English and French classes.  It is a residential programme for participants from outside Togo who will be lodged at a comfortable hostel that is managed by the Centre. However, it is non-residential for the indigenous or participants residing in Lomé. The Livingstones English Language Resource Centre (TLERC) Summer Camp 2017 is a unique opportunity for children to improve their oratory and writing skills in both languages. English-speaking participants from outside Togo will get to interact with Togolese children and other French-speaking nationals that will also be participating in the programme. It is a unique opportunity to enable the children practise speaking both languages. An additional feature this year is a weekend tour to the beautiful city of Kpalimé in the Plateau region. The camp admits children between ages 5 and 16, and will be run in two sessions for a period of three weeks each. The first session will hold from Monday, July 24 to Friday, August 11, while the second session will be from Monday, August 21 to Friday, September 8, 2017. The Language Classes We will be running simultaneous French and English classes with a well-structured curriculum. Training materials, including a language (English/French) textbook, notebooks and pens will be provided for the children. There will also be combined classes for both groups where the children will get to interact more closely for group assignments and projects. Game time provides another opportunity for the children to interact and practise speaking their new language. The children will also benefit greatly from our language laboratory, a tool for developing a very good diction in both languages. Leadership and Personal Development Leadership and Personal Development classes are an integral part of the Summer Programme. Lessons will be based on the leadership and personal development principles of the world-renowned speaker and author, Dr. John C. Maxwell. Topics such as developing a positive self-image and identity; knowing your strengths; overcoming failure; developing daily success and growth habits, will be covered. These lessons have been proven to help children develop life skills needed to become successful leaders. Participants will have access to our well-resourced library for various books on successful world leaders and other books on general knowledge. Books by Dr. Maxwell are also available for purchase during and after the programme. Weekend trip to Kpalimé We will be visiting some places of interest within and outside Lomé, the capital city. We plan to have a weekend trip to the beautiful city of Kpalimé to enjoy the waterfalls, the hills and the crafts market. The visit will enhance their knowledge of the Togolese culture and give them a broader perspective to life. Recreational Activities Our Centre recently received a facelift for our participants’ comfort and relaxation. Recreational activities such as a swimming, table tennis, arts and crafts, board games like chess, monopoly, French and English scrabble are included in the programme. Accommodation and Feeding (for residential package) Participants will be lodged in a comfortable and secure hostel, about ten minutes’ drive from the Centre. The rooms are fitted with air-conditioners, with 24-hour security, water and power supply. The children will be served three full meals daily with fruits and snacks in between meals. The meals will be prepared by our in-house cook, ensuring the highest level of hygiene. Adequate arrangements have been put in place to ensure the safe commute of the children between the hostel and the Centre everyday. Something for the Parents Too! Parents of children from outside Togo who plan to travel with their children will have the opportunity to participate in a special holiday package that will focus on some French language and personal development lessons. Package Costs
  • 21-day Residential: $900 (includes tuition, breakfast, tea break, lunch, supper, excursions within Lomé, weekend trip to Kpalimé and activities).
  • 21-day Non- residential: 200,000FCFA (includes tuition, tea break, lunch, fruits, weekend trip and activities)
  • 21-day Non- residential without weekend trip: 150,000FCFA (includes tuition, lunch and day activities)
Registration Pre-registration is required for residential participants to secure a space. Registration closes on June 30 for the first batch and July 31 for the second batch. Late registration will attract an additional amount of $200 per child except for parents with more than one child participating in the programme. Mode of Payment Payments can be made via transfers to: Account Name: The Living Stones English Language Resource Center Account Number: 7170141422852801 Account domiciled at: Ecobank, Lomé, Togo SWIFT Code: ECOCTGTG Bank Code: TG055 Branch Code: 01717 IBAN: TG0550171714142285280170 Counter Code: 70 For Togo residents, cash payments can be made at our office or using our Ecobank account with the details given above. Residential All residential packages include the following as a minimum:
  • Movement to and from the Centre daily.
  • Welcome party / Orientation.
  • Accommodation, bedding, feeding and full board for 3 weeks.
  • Daily fitness class.
  • Minimum of 3hours tuition per day (2 hours of Language and 1hour of Leadership and Personal Development).
  • Afternoon & evening activities including table tennis, swimming, basketball, football, etc.
  • Theatre, music, dance, arts and crafts.
  • Excursion to places of interest within Lomé including the Sea Port, the National Museum, Agbodrafo Slave House, Kpeme Phosphate Processing Factory, Crafts Village, meeting with leaders at work.
  • Multi lingual staff member on site 24 hours.
 List of Items to Bring
  • Trainers with socks
  • Slippers
  • Casual wears
  • Formal wears for church
  • Personal items e.g. Toothbrush, toothpaste, bathing soaps, underwear, body cream, comb, etc.
  • Swimming Kit – including a towel
  • Night wear/Pyjamas
  • Smart outfit for the party at the end of camp
  • Diary/Personal journal – all students will be keeping a daily log during the camp
  • Smart phones,
  • Pocket money may be sent to children via the same account as fees and will be managed for them by staff (we suggest $100). Any remaining pocket money at the end of camp will be sent back to parents.
For registration and more enquiries on TLERC Summer Camp 2017, email: or call +228 9740 7893, +228 9613 7546.

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This article was first published on 5th July 2017

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