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  If you’re running a cleaning service, you probably already know that while online marketing is great, offline marketing can still be super effective. Not everyone is scrolling through social media or checking their email 24/7, so taking your marketing offline helps you reach a broader audience. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand, here are some simple tips to market your cleaning services offline.
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  1. Spread the Word with Fliers and Posters

Let’s start with the classic – fliers and posters. They might seem old-school, but they still work. Print out eye-catching fliers with your business name, services offered, contact details, and maybe even a special offer to attract attention. Make sure they’re bright, clear, and simple. You can hand them out door-to-door in neighbourhoods, drop them off at local businesses, or post them on community bulletin boards. Places like grocery stores, coffee shops, or laundromats usually have spots where you can pin a flier. Here’s a tip: If you can, include some kind of tear-off tab with your phone number or website so people can grab your contact info without taking the whole flier.
  1. Use Business Cards Everywhere You Go

Business cards are like mini fliers you can carry around in your pocket. You never know when you’ll bump into someone who could use your cleaning services. Whether at the grocery store, a community event, or just chatting with neighbours, always have a few business cards ready. If someone expresses interest in your services, hand them a card. Don’t be afraid to leave your cards in places where people might need a cleaner – local libraries, gyms, salons, or even at your dentist’s office. The goal is to get your name out there, and business cards are a simple, low-cost way.
  1. Offer Referral Discounts

Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful forms of marketing. If you’ve already got a few happy customers, ask them to spread the word. To make it even more enticing, offer a referral discount. For example, if a customer refers a friend and that friend books a cleaning, you can give them a discount on their next service. This kind of incentive makes people more likely to talk about your business to their friends, family, or co-workers. The best part? You’ll likely build trust quickly because people tend to trust recommendations from people they know.
  1. Partner with Local Businesses

Building partnerships with local businesses can be a win-win. Think about local businesses that might benefit from a clean space – real estate agencies, gyms, daycares, or offices. You could offer them a special rate in exchange for them recommending your services to their clients or customers. For example, real estate agents often need homes cleaned before they’re shown or sold. If you partner with them, they could refer you to every client who needs a cleaner. You could also leave your fliers or business cards at their location, so their clients see your information when they visit.
  1. Participate in Local Events and Trade Shows

Local events like community fairs, farmers’ markets, or trade shows can be great places to get your name out. Set up a booth or a small table where you can chat with people, hand out business cards, and maybe even offer a little freebie, like a pen with your business name on it. You could even offer a raffle for a free cleaning service – it’s a fun way to draw people in and get them talking about your business. Make sure your booth or table clearly shows what you do. You want people to immediately understand that you offer cleaning services and how to contact you if they’re interested.
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  1. Advertise in Local Newspapers or Community Newsletters

While a lot of people turn to the internet for news, local newspapers and newsletters still have loyal readers. Many communities send out newsletters, either in print or through email, that include ads from local businesses. Advertising in these publications can be a great way to reach people who might not be active online. Your ad doesn’t have to be huge; even a small one can catch someone’s eye if it’s well-designed and to the point. Include a short, clear message about your services, a special offer, and how to contact you.
  1. Sponsor Local Sports Teams or Events

Another way to get your name in front of potential customers is by sponsoring local sports teams or events. This doesn’t mean you have to shell out big bucks. Many small sports teams, like kids’ soccer or community softball leagues, are always looking for sponsors, and often all they need is enough to cover some basic expenses. In return, your business name and logo might be printed on team shirts or event materials. It’s a fun way to get involved in the community while also getting some exposure for your cleaning services.
  1. Offer Free or Discounted Trials

Sometimes people hesitate to hire a cleaning service because they’re not sure if it’s worth the cost or if they’ll like the service. Offering a free or heavily discounted first cleaning can help potential customers overcome this hesitation. Once they see the quality of your work, they’re more likely to become regular clients. When offering a trial, make sure to emphasize that there’s no pressure – you just want them to see how much easier life can be with a professional cleaner.
  1. Use Vehicle Advertising

If you drive around for work, why not turn your vehicle into a moving billboard? You don’t need a full vehicle wrap; a simple magnetic sign with your business name, logo, and contact info works just fine. Every time you park in a neighbourhood, people will see your sign and may jot down your number. It’s an easy, low-cost way to advertise your cleaning services wherever you go.
  1. Ask for Testimonials

People trust reviews and testimonials, even offline. If you have happy customers, ask them for a testimonial or review that you can share in your fliers, on your business cards, or even through word of mouth. Positive feedback from real people gives your business credibility and helps potential customers feel more confident about hiring you.
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Final Thoughts

Marketing your cleaning services offline doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. With a little creativity and effort, you can reach more people and grow your business. Fliers, business cards, partnerships, and community involvement are just a few ways to get started. The key to success is consistency: the more you promote your name, the more likely people will remember you when they need cleaning services.
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This article was first published on 6th September 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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