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  The dry season is gradually giving way to the rainy season. Rainy season comes with cold and so our bodies need hot and spicy foods to keep it warm. One of such foods is pepper soup.
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This liquid delicacy is prepared with meat or fish, pepper and local spices. Most of these local spices have medicinal value. When making pepper soup, some of us typically go for any brand of the already made pepper soup spices blend that is available in our local markets and grocery shops. However, while some of these brands give you the authentic Nigerian pepper soup flavour and taste, others do not. So, today, on our Do It Yourself (DIY) segment, we’ll be learning how to make pepper soup spices at home. Knowing how to make this spice will give you the confidence to make pepper soup whether you have the already packaged pepper soup spice or not. You’ll not only find the process of making homemade pepper soup spice easy, but you’ll also discover that you are quite familiar with the spices used in making these pepper soup spices as well.
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Calabash Nutmeg (Ehuru) Negro Pepper (Uda) Piper guineense (Uziza Seed) Dried Ginger Alligator Pepper (Grains of Paradise) Cameroon Pepper

How to Prepare

Deshell the alligator pepper and the calash nutmeg. If you don’t know how to deshell calabash nutmeg, check out this link. Put them in a clean, dry mill blender. Add the dried ginger, negro pepper, Piper guineense, Cameroon pepper. Blend smoothly. Store in an airtight container and use when needed. Featured Image Source: Immaculate Bites
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This article was first published on 17th May 2021


Udevi, Obiamaka Angela holds a Master of Arts degree in History & International Studies. She's a freelance writer with a passion for food and healthy living. She can be contacted through her email address,

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