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Everyone loves a smooth face, especially one free of spots. It doesn’t matter if you’re fair or dark complexioned, you would agree with me that a smooth face does wonders! You wake up in the morning and just want to run your hands over and over your face, you look at yourself in the mirror and enjoy the natural glow it gives, you take a selfie and you don’t have to filter it because your face is fresh like that! Oh well, this is not so when you have unwanted guests known as ‘’blackheads’’ loitering around on your face. It is a total buzzkill. Here are five tips for getting rid of blackheads and restoring your natural glow? What are blackheads and what causes them? Blackheads are the small bumps which appear on your skin as a result of stuffed hair follicles.  They are called blackheads because the surface affected becomes dark. Although they are usually found on the face, these bumps can also appear on other body parts such as the back, chest, arms, shoulders and neck. They tend to be present on the skin when hormones lead to an increased production of sebum, an oily substance underneath the skin. Blackheads might prove a little difficult to tackle but employing some of these methods can make the job easier.
  1. Since blackheads are formed by hair follicles, medications containing vitamin A could be very useful as it keeps the plugs from building in the hair follicles and promotes fast turnover of skin cells. Drugs which contain benzoyl peroxide can be of great help, especially if the blackheads come with pimples or acne cysts.
  1. Chemical peels helps in removing the clogs that form on the skin alongside the dead skin cells that promotes the presence of blackheads. The application of a chemical peel on the skin, clears off the top layer while revealing underneath, a smoother skin. Mild peels can be gotten over the counter . . . although, the presence of a dermatologist is needed during the application of stronger peels.
  1. In the quest to tackling blackheads, the right oil-dissolving ingredients should be used on the face with a wipe. Ingredients containing malic, glycolic, lactic, or salicylic acids can be used in blocking the pores responsible for blackheads and setting them loose from clogging.
  1. Minimize the use of comedogenic products on your skin. Instead, make use of non-comedogenic products which do not clog pores and keeps them clear and open, which in turn reduces the buildup of dead skill cells.
  1. Make sure you get enough rest. It is quite important that your body relaxes as this can also avoid stress. Stress triggers the production of sebum which is responsible for blackheads too. Do the needful and save yourself the stress of fighting blackheads. Rest, exercise, and rest some more.
Learn to engage these acts and in no time, you will see the obvious difference. Remember, health is wealth.   References : Medicine Net Medical News Today Cosmopolitan   Featured image source:

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This article was first published on 23rd January 2019
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Achem Deborah Ojochenemi, is 22 years old. She is in her final year at the University of Ilorin, studying Eng and literary studies. She has undergone training in various fields such as neuroscience, photography, communication and writing, where she has learnt to curate good content topics. She is presently an intern in Phursuns Photography Academy.

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