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It is slowly proving difficult to achieve a face free of blemishes. Day by day, our faces are exposed to the realities of the elements and harsh seasons.

Although, there are several over the counter methods which can be used in the prevention and treatment of facial problems, but this does not hide the fact that many chemical products only provide a temporary relief. More credence should be given to natural remedies, which though may take longer to attain a solution, erases the fear of side effects by drugs or other procedures.

One of the common acne problems is black spots. If you have experienced this or have not fully gotten rid of the issue, then you should understand how frustrating it is to see your face covered in colours darker than your normal skin tone. Whether you’re fair or dark, black spots have a way of discolouring and clogging the face in many tiny dots. For a more convenient and genuine solution, here are five natural ways to get rid of black spots:

Tomato Scrub

Tomato contains vitamin C which brightens the dark areas on the face when applied to. Cut a tomato from the middle, then apply it on the face, leave for ten minutes and wash it off. Do this constantly and you would be amazed how much of a difference it would make on your face.

Shea Butter

There are so many amazing attributes to this product. Wash your face and rub a minimal amount of shea butter on the affected areas. Keep doing this daily and watch your face came back to normal.

Aloe Vera

In addition to removing spots, aloe vera helps to reduce the effects of ageing on the skin, and being a natural remedy, it is reliable and efficient. To erase black spots, gently peel off the skin and apply the gel on the affected areas. Leave for about 45 minutes then wash off. You can do it twice a day.

Lemon Juice

The acidity of lemon juice acts as an agent which heals the discolouration caused by spots and brightens the dark areas on the skin. Apply the juice for about 10 minutes then wash off before going to bed.

Cut down on Use of Facial Cosmetics

Many facial cosmetic products are made with ingredients which can prove dangerous to the skin, especially if the skin is in its healing process. So, try as much as possible to maintain a healthy, natural glow and watch your skin reform on its own in a little while. Remember, natural remedies have no side effects and they make for a healthier skin.

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This article was first published on 11th February 2019
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Achem Deborah Ojochenemi, is 22 years old. She is in her final year at the University of Ilorin, studying Eng and literary studies. She has undergone training in various fields such as neuroscience, photography, communication and writing, where she has learnt to curate good content topics. She is presently an intern in Phursuns Photography Academy.

Comments (1)

One thought on “Tip of the Day: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Black Spots”

  • Mmm, very much interesting and helpful. Thanks

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