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I really do think that Handbags are amazing. It completes an outfit and pulls your overall look together. And for those that can carry plenty load for Africa (the ones just by looking into their bags you can tell their life history) handbags are definitely like a best friend to them. The perfect Handbag makes it easy for you to carry all your essentials without having to cram everything together, and it could be frustrating if you realize you have to leave some important things behind. I can practically say the struggle to get the ideal bag is real. For me it took forever like I was studying for jamb; nevertheless there’s always a suitable handbag that’s befitting for every function. And after a lot of research reviews and window shopping (told you I studied for this) I’ve rounded up some basic bags that are purrfect for work or school. Check them out:
 Tote bags
The Right Handbag For You - Every woman needs one of these. They add a professional appeal to your outfit. It’s big and spacey enough to carry everything you need. From laptops to documents to notebooks or even your makeup kits and you still get to look chic. A tote bag works every time. Casual day bags The Right Handbag For You - Casual bags have this vibrant appeal. On days you don’t feel like dressing up, it just makes all the statement. Although it doesn’t give much room to pack a lot of stuff so you can always opt for a Tote bag which gives the same function. Shoulder bags The Right Handbag For You - They are ideal for light weight items. Gives you an easy going sporty yet sophisticated look. Backpacks The Right Handbag For You - I love backpacks simply because there are several fun ways to style and rock it. Depending on the type you opt for, it’s also spacey enough to take your day to day items. Another awesome thing about backpacks is the stylish ways you get to pull it off, you can go from girly to hip to nerdy. Plus you can rock it with sneakers, ballet flats and yes even heels. Leather satchel bags The Right Handbag For You - They are perfect and ideal for any occasion and goes with almost any outfit you have on. The beauty of it is that they are portable yet can hold almost everything.

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This article was first published on 22nd August 2017


Becky Onoise is a psychologist, chocolate junkie, and puppy lover. A writer who is sorry... not sorry about correcting your grammar. She's a word enthusiast and aims to achieve her goals. Instagram handle @mz_berkey

Comments (2)

2 thoughts on “The Right Handbag For You”

  • Hey…. What the Ghana must go bag? Nicely penned.weldone!

  • Very informative

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