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World Hypertension Day has been celebrated on the 17th of May since 2006. Dr. Kingsley Akinroye, a famous cardiologist and vice president of the World Heart Federation (WHF) recently commented on the hypertension issue, saying that there has been a persistent rise in the prevalence of this disease, although more and more awareness has been continuously spread. He said: “Despite the awareness which has increased to about 80 percent, it is still rising within the Nigerian population.” Although hypertension is a preventable condition, the World Health Organization (WHO) cites it, globally, to be the cause behind 45% of deaths due to heart disease and 51% due to stroke. WHO’s global status report, taking into account only non-communicable diseases, states that hypertension is prevalent at the highest rate in the African region, standing at 46% of adults older than 25 years. Akinroye, who also happens to be the president of Nigeria Heart Foundation (NHF), expressed regret over statistics that showed 70% of hypertensive patients going on drug holidays and hypertension in Nigeria at the rate of between 25-40 %, vary according to location. Akinroye has suggested that the Nigerian government and citizens should urgently take notice of this rising prevalence of hypertension and change their lifestyle accordingly. They should keep their blood pressure under control, deal with obesity, avoid tobacco consumption, salt and junk foods. Here are some of the ways to keep heart disease in check.   Photo Credit:   About the Writer: Zyana Morris is a passionate blogger who loves to write on topics related to health and lifestyle.

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This article was first published on 25th May 2015 and updated on May 27th, 2015 at 12:02 pm

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