Archives Tag: Start a Business


How To Create a Winning Business Plan

April 19, 2022

  The thought of starting a business can be both exciting and scary. Exciting, because you’ll finally have the opportunity to be your Boss, determine how much you can make and also be able to see first-hand the impacts you are making in the lives of others. On the other hand, it could be scary … Continue reading How To Create a Winning Business Plan

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How To Start a Business Amid Economic Hardship

April 19, 2022

  Nigeria, like many countries, has faced its share of economic hardships, characterized by inflation, currency fluctuations, and unemployment, making the idea of starting a business during such times appear risky. However, history has shown that some of the most successful businesses were born out of adversity. In this article, I’ll try to convince you … Continue reading How To Start a Business Amid Economic Hardship

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How To Start A Bottled Water Production Company In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Where there’s a perennial need, there’s money to be made. When that need is essential to living and functioning, the opportunity for a stable, thriving problem solving enterprise becomes even more certain. An example: because we can’t help being thirsty, space constantly opens up for new water packaging and distribution businesses. Clean drinkable water isn’t … Continue reading How To Start A Bottled Water Production Company In Nigeria

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The Best Five Cities to Start a Business in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

You’re ready to start that small business you’ve been dreaming about for a long time now, you have everything you need to kick off, except for the location. You figure that you can just screen a few candidates, pick one, settle into it, get to work, and make truckloads of money. It’s not that simple. … Continue reading The Best Five Cities to Start a Business in Nigeria

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Two Top Reasons to Start a Business

April 19, 2022

Even if you have a job, starting a business is something that can make a difference in your finances and even change your life in great ways you couldn’t have imagined. We asked some entrepreneurs why they started their own business, and it all came down to two major reasons:   Entrepreneurship is about creating … Continue reading Two Top Reasons to Start a Business

By jehonwa

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How to Start a Business from Home

April 19, 2022

As the world waits for the global economy to get back on its feet, more and more people out of work need to find alternative means of sustenance. The situation is particularly grim for Nigerians, considering the ratio of available jobs to the population of graduates. According the coordinating minister for the economy, Dr. Okonjo-Iweala, … Continue reading How to Start a Business from Home

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