Archives Tag: Small business


4 Funding Opportunities For SMEs In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  The significance of SMEs in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized, so it is safe to say that SMEs constitute greatly to the economic development of the country and as such, should be given utmost priority by the government. Read more about Business However, one of the top challenges faced by small and medium scale businesses … Continue reading 4 Funding Opportunities For SMEs In Nigeria

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The Idea Behind Retargeting And How It Works

April 19, 2022

  Chances are, you’ve already experienced this form of advertising without being aware of it. The options for online advertising have become limitless as a result of numerous platforms, channels, and strategies available to advertisers. What do you think happens when you shop online or view a product on an online store, only to see … Continue reading The Idea Behind Retargeting And How It Works

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Powerful Growth Strategies For Small Business Owners

April 19, 2022

  It is usually exciting for entrepreneurs to set up their own businesses, but excitement alone cannot keep you long in the business. The big companies you see and admire today didn’t just spring out from nowhere. They grew from one stage to another; till the stage and level, they are now. Read more about … Continue reading Powerful Growth Strategies For Small Business Owners

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7 Ways To Get Your Small Business Noticed For The Right Reasons

April 19, 2022

  A whole lot of entrepreneurs want their businesses noticed, but they rarely have the confidence to talk about their businesses. Sometimes, this feeling might come from a place of shyness or your inability to know how to introduce your brand into your discussion with others. Be it what it may, talking about your business … Continue reading 7 Ways To Get Your Small Business Noticed For The Right Reasons

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Top 4 Common Challenges For Small Business Owners And Recommendations

April 19, 2022

  Nigeria is the biggest market in Africa, with a population of over 200 million people. With this population, Nigeria is a viable place to do business. However, business experts and investors have claimed that the business climate in Nigeria is harsh. According to a World Bank study, Nigeria ranked 131 out of 181 nations … Continue reading Top 4 Common Challenges For Small Business Owners And Recommendations

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Benefits Of Mastering The Art Of Business Presentation As An SME

April 19, 2022

As a small or medium scale business owner or entrepreneur, it is expedient that you master the art of business presentation, so you can pitch your business when the need arises. Read more about Business Business presentation is the formal information about business products or services carried out by using audio and visual presentation material … Continue reading Benefits Of Mastering The Art Of Business Presentation As An SME

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Video Of The Week: How She Built A Small Business Selling Cakes From Home In Port Harcourt

April 19, 2022

  Many people believe that you must have it all before starting a business. However, some of the most successful businesses started with the little they had and were able to expand the more successful they became. Read more about Video of the week In our video of the week, a filmmaker and Youtuber Tayo … Continue reading Video Of The Week: How She Built A Small Business Selling Cakes From Home In Port Harcourt

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6 Things To Consider Before Building A Small Business

April 19, 2022

  Many small and medium business owners often run into business crises because they fail to run some due diligence and do some background checks on what it takes to start and run a business. Starting a business takes careful planning and in-depth research among other considerations. Read more about Business In this article, we … Continue reading 6 Things To Consider Before Building A Small Business

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5 Tips To Applying For An SME Loan In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  In Nigeria today, many great business ideas die because of funding. Not because the business idea is trash, or because the business owner did not do their best but simply because of the necessary funding needed to expand. Read more about Business On the other hand, there are financial institutions whose main function is … Continue reading 5 Tips To Applying For An SME Loan In Nigeria

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Mailchimp Acquisition: A Good Lesson For Companies In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  From repurposing some old code from a failed online greeting card business to being acquired for a valuation of $12b in cash and stock, MailChimp’s story and its acquisition by Tech platform Inuit have surely taken the tech world by storm. To most, the company isn’t worth that much; but that matters little in … Continue reading Mailchimp Acquisition: A Good Lesson For Companies In Nigeria

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Practical Ways To Attract And Retain Talents For Your Small Business

April 19, 2022

  It has been estimated that over 75% of small businesses have challenges attracting the right type of talents to join their organizations. Below are some of the ways small businesses can compete and win in the talent marketplace: Read more about Business Have basic sustainable business structure and systems in place: Let’s look at … Continue reading Practical Ways To Attract And Retain Talents For Your Small Business

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5 Rebranding Strategies For Small Businesses

April 19, 2022

  No business can thrive without sound and healthy branding. A brand can be defined as a company’s identity or better still how people perceive a company. When the name of a company is mentioned, what comes to people’s minds is known as brand. Read more about Business Your brand is your company’s culture. It’s … Continue reading 5 Rebranding Strategies For Small Businesses

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6 Tips For Starting A Small Business

April 19, 2022

  Do Your Background Check Before you endeavour into any business venture, it’s advised that you run a background check, understand the rudiments of the business and know the cost of starting such business. Read more about Business As a matter of fact, it’s ill-advised to go into a business you have little or no … Continue reading 6 Tips For Starting A Small Business

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How To Leverage Your Small Business For Growth And Sustainability

April 19, 2022

  The concept of “leverage” has the power to get you more time, better fitness, career, development, business success, financial freedom and relationship contentment. Leverage can help you save time and money, gain expertise and more. Read more about  Business What Is Leverage? The literal definition of leverage is using a lever to exert force … Continue reading How To Leverage Your Small Business For Growth And Sustainability

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How To Fund Your Small Business With Ease

April 19, 2022

  A lot of businesses have challenges accessing or attracting the right and/or affordable funds for their business. Read more about Business The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 2017 national survey of MSMEs shows that 89.6% of the surveyed SMEs rated lack of access to finance as the most important encumbrance in the area of … Continue reading How To Fund Your Small Business With Ease

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