Archives Tag: Search Engine Optimization


With SEO; Words Aren’t Cheap Anymore

April 19, 2022

  Heard of the popular saying, “Talk is cheap”? Well, not anymore. Every talk on the internet has to be very intentional. Why? To make people find you easily! It is most likely that a thousand and one people already sell what you sell or at least, they sell something very similar. Read more about … Continue reading With SEO; Words Aren’t Cheap Anymore

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Social Media

Steps For Adopting SEO On Your Social Media Page

April 19, 2022

Contrary to popular opinions, SEO is not only relevant to a website but in the case of social media marketing. According to research, combining SEO with social media platforms increases the visibility level of brand four times faster than when banking on website SEO. Let it be known, that social media does not boost search … Continue reading Steps For Adopting SEO On Your Social Media Page

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Business Ideas

5 Steps to Starting Your Digital Marketing Business

April 19, 2022

Digital marketing refers to the marketing of products and services using digital media. The internet is a major field for digital marketing, but it also encompasses other means, including mobile SMS and display advertising. Products are promoted using various forms of electronic media. Digital marketing embraces activities covering search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing … Continue reading 5 Steps to Starting Your Digital Marketing Business

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Why Your Website Does Not Get You Sales

April 19, 2022

A very wise colleague of mine once told me an infallible truth about online buying psychology, “landing pages and websites do not convert, people convert”. Lots of brands think that to get leads and customers all you need is a great website. While a website is important, it’s not altogether the solution. And these companies spend … Continue reading Why Your Website Does Not Get You Sales

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TechTuesday: 5 Tips to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post for Nigerians

April 19, 2022

Blogging is big in Nigeria at the moment. So many Nigerian bloggers publish posts on a daily basis, however, not all of them understand the concept or importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in online writing. While blogging appears to be fun, it is important to keep in mind that is it a business and … Continue reading TechTuesday: 5 Tips to Write an SEO-Friendly Blog Post for Nigerians

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