Archives Tag: oral hygiene


Hygiene Tips You Should Know

April 19, 2022

  Maintaining good hygiene is essential for staying healthy and feeling good about yourself. Good hygiene habits can prevent illness, improve your appearance, and boost your confidence. Here are some simple but important hygiene tips everyone should know. Read more about Wellness Wash Your Hands Regularly One of the most effective ways to prevent the … Continue reading Hygiene Tips You Should Know

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Health Wellness

Oral Hygiene Habits You Need To Inculcate Right Now

April 19, 2022

  Your mouth is the gateway to your overall health. Having clean teeth and healthy gums doesn’t just give you a bright, confident smile – it also impacts your ability to eat, speak properly, and fend off disease throughout your whole body. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, dental pain, and … Continue reading Oral Hygiene Habits You Need To Inculcate Right Now

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5 Best Oral Hygiene Products For Nigerians

April 19, 2022

  Considering oral hygiene significant in your daily personal care routine should be a norm. Just like going for your dentist appointment might not be consistent, it would serve as a reason to relax and not worry much about your oral hygiene because you’ve got it covered. Read more about Health Oral hygiene simply means … Continue reading 5 Best Oral Hygiene Products For Nigerians

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Health How To LIFESTYLE Personal Development

How To Maintain A Good Oral Hygiene

April 19, 2022

  Oral health in Nigeria is still somewhat an issue that is not taken seriously compared to other health concerns. This may be owing to the fact that a large number of people are unaware of the relevance of keeping up a healthy set of teeth. Read more about Health We are more likely to … Continue reading How To Maintain A Good Oral Hygiene

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15 Interesting Nuggets about Oral Hygiene

April 19, 2022

Our mouths help keep us alive, and happy. We eat and drink the delicious stuff, we talk, kiss, and do a host of other things with our mouths. Unsurprisingly then, oral hygiene is right up there on the list of daily concerns, and rightly so. Here are 15 things you may or may not have … Continue reading 15 Interesting Nuggets about Oral Hygiene

By jehonwa

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UNILEVER to Eradicate Dental Diseases

April 19, 2022

Many take adequate and proper care of other areas of their body but they neglect their gums and teeth. What they forget is that the mouth is an essential part of the body as one cannot have good general health without proper oral health. Healthy teeth contributes to good eating habits, good support for cheeks … Continue reading UNILEVER to Eradicate Dental Diseases

By adepeju

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Tips For Toothbrush Hygiene

April 19, 2022

Often times, when we teach about oral hygiene we mention brushing twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing, having a good diet and visiting the dentist when we need to, but we neglect to mention anything about our tooth brushes. Back in the days, our parents made use of chewing sticks, they were extremely conscious … Continue reading Tips For Toothbrush Hygiene

By adepeju

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