Archives Tag: health and wellness

Personal Development

Midyear Review: What It Is and Why You Need One

April 19, 2022

  If you are a football fan or someone who knows about football, you will be conversant with the idea of half-time during matches. Half-times are given for teams to rest and re-strategize for better effectiveness and results. With the year now halved, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the goals you set at … Continue reading Midyear Review: What It Is and Why You Need One

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Tip Of The Day: How To Reduce Your Salt And Sugar Intake

April 19, 2022

A couple of months ago we discussed healthy eating. Well, sugar and salt reduction is a vital aspect of healthy eating. Even though it seems that our sodium and sugar consumption tripled with the rise of convenience food, it can still be checked. One way to do this is by modifying our eating behaviour. This … Continue reading Tip Of The Day: How To Reduce Your Salt And Sugar Intake

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Health Wellness

Wellness: 4 Signs Your Body Is In Need Of Vitamin D

April 19, 2022

There is a reason why vitamin D is a highly recommended vitamin for good health. It is the only vitamin that functions like a hormone, and every single cell in the body has a receptor for it.  Not only that, but it is also one of the few vitamins that are produced by the body. … Continue reading Wellness: 4 Signs Your Body Is In Need Of Vitamin D

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Health mental health Wellness

Wellness: What You Should Know About Walking Meditation

April 19, 2022

There are different ways to meditate. You can meditate when seated, while doing the dishes, or taking a walk. Walking meditation has become popular due to its numerous benefits for both our mental and physical health. The technique helps to keep you active and alert, enabling you to develop a greater awareness of your immediate … Continue reading Wellness: What You Should Know About Walking Meditation

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Wellness: 5 Reasons To Make Walking A Daily Habit

April 19, 2022

Walking might be a low-intensity exercise but there are many health benefits it can offer the body. Not only does it benefit you physically but it can boost your mental wellbeing as well. Moreover, it is free, requires little effort, and can be included as part of your daily routine. Below are some reasons why … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Reasons To Make Walking A Daily Habit

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Wellness: 6 Foods That Help With Acid Reflux

April 19, 2022

Acid reflux is a condition in which acid from the stomach flows right back into the Oesophagus.  This often results in symptoms like belching, heartburn, nausea, and regurgitation. One of the major causes of acid reflux is a weakened or lower Oesophageal sphincter. A normal LES functions as a buffer that protects the Oesophagus by … Continue reading Wellness: 6 Foods That Help With Acid Reflux

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Food Health

Wellness: 5 Anti-Allergy Foods You Should Start Eating Today

April 19, 2022

Allergies can be a pain especially when they occur seasonally. If you experience allergies such as a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes often and during certain times of the year then there may be ways you can curb them. The secret lies in your immune system, which plays a big role in the management … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Anti-Allergy Foods You Should Start Eating Today

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Health TECH

Wellness: Top 4 Healthcare Apps You Should Know

April 19, 2022

Staying healthy is definitely more than just paying visits to the doctor when ill. It entails a lot more like eating the right diet, exercising, managing your medications, and nurturing your body and mind. All these in a broken healthcare system can definitely set a discouraging tone to the prospect of looking after one’s own … Continue reading Wellness: Top 4 Healthcare Apps You Should Know

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Wellness: 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Sitting So Much

April 19, 2022

According to a popular African saying “Too much of anything is bad”. Interestingly, this quote applies to virtually all facets of life. Eating excessively will make you susceptible to weight gain and a myriad of health problems down the line in the same way eating too little will lead to malnutrition and a weakened immune … Continue reading Wellness: 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Sitting So Much

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Wellness: What You Should Know About Probiotics

April 19, 2022

The human body is home to numerous bacteria which are concentrated especially in the digestive tract. These bacteria comprise of two types: the good and the bad. Studies show that for the body to function normally in many aspects of health, there must be a balance between the good and bad bacteria in the digestive … Continue reading Wellness: What You Should Know About Probiotics

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What You Don’t Know Can Kill You

April 19, 2022

One of the common refrains often put up by people as the defence mechanism when they are advised to do regular medical check-ups, even when there are no apparent health challenges is to say that what they don’t know will not kill them. How wrong they are! Though death is inevitable for all, in reality, … Continue reading What You Don’t Know Can Kill You

By iziaq

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Beauty Health Tip of the Day

Slow, Steady, Fast: Fitness is Built in Progression

April 19, 2022

By Esta Morenikeji I see it all every time at the gym and on the road, one exerciser trying to match the speed and intensity of another exerciser. Consider this common scenario I have seen several times: a lady is running on the road, a guy sights her from a distance behind and for some … Continue reading Slow, Steady, Fast: Fitness is Built in Progression

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