Archives Tag: Following Your Dreams

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Dream Again

April 19, 2022

“Happy, successful, fulfilled individuals understand that the future begins with what happens today…” Joel Osteen ‘your Best Life Now Journal’ Do you ever think about the dreams we had as children or inexperienced adolescents; dreams of grandiloquent and superfluous accomplishments and lifestyles, capped with world peace and eradication of hunger. I am willing to bet … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Dream Again

By kanayo

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BUSINESS Personal Development

Do Big Dreams Lead to Big Success in Business and Life?

April 19, 2022

From motivational speakers to rappers, we have all been inundated with the call to dream big! The other day, I also came across an insightful business magazine with a similar title encouraging aspiring and emerging business owners to dream big. Just as I thought that the ‘dream big’ message has probably being restricted to the … Continue reading Do Big Dreams Lead to Big Success in Business and Life?

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Personal Development

Do It Now

April 19, 2022

Many of us dream, a lot of us dream, we want to be somebody. A person the world, or at least half of the world will stand in ovation for. But all that soon becomes “once upon a time”. We want to be the best, we fantasize on how much greatness we can achieve if … Continue reading Do It Now

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The Incredible Power of Little Things

April 19, 2022

When it comes to the little things, watch your attitude! There’s this portion of the Bible that I really love. It says don’t despise the day of small things. It is in the book of Zechariah. As we desire to make it big and “hammer” as Nigerians will say, we often forget that it is … Continue reading The Incredible Power of Little Things

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CAREER Tip of the Day

Are You Chasing The Wrong Dream?

April 19, 2022

Have you been in a situation where you have got a dream that must be achieved and so you put energy and time into this dream to make it a reality? However as time passes, your energy keeps waning, your motivation is fluctuating – you are losing focus and then you wonder what made you … Continue reading Are You Chasing The Wrong Dream?

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