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Social media marketing is always changing. Companies need to pay attention to new trends so they can market their products and services in the best ways. Here are some of the big social media marketing trends to look out for in 2024:
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  • Video Content

Videos have been getting more and more popular on social media for years now. But in 2024, the video will be even bigger than ever before. Short videos, live videos, and videos with creative editing will all be very important. Companies will need to make lots of video content to share on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Videos are great for grabbing people’s attention and getting information across quickly.
  • Influencer Marketing Keeps Growing

Influencer marketing is when companies work with influencers – people who have a big audience and influence on social media. In 2024, even more companies will partner with influencers to reach new customers. Influencers have very loyal followers who trust their recommendations, so their endorsements are powerful marketing tools. Micro-influencers with smaller but very engaged audiences will also be in high demand.
  • Social Shopping Is Take Off

Another social media marketing trend is social shopping. Social shopping means people can discover products and make purchases directly through social media apps. Facebook and Instagram already offer social shopping, and in 2024 it will likely become a standard feature across all major platforms. Companies will need a solid social shopping strategy to drive sales directly from their social accounts.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): Enhancing Experiences

AR technology blends digital elements with the real world through your phone or device’s camera. Snapchat and Instagram already use AR for fun filters and effects. But in 2024, companies will use AR more to let customers virtually “try on” products like clothes or makeup, preview furniture in their space, and otherwise visualize items before purchasing. AR creates an interactive, memorable experience.
  • More Emphasis on Privacy and Ethics

After lots of data and privacy scandals, people are paying much closer attention to how companies use their personal information from social media. In 2024, brands will need to be fully transparent about their data collection and ad targeting practices. They’ll need explicit user consent and strong privacy protections. Companies that violate user trust will face major backlash.
  • Greater Focus on Inclusivity and Representation

Social media users want to see companies promote diversity, equitable representation, and inclusive messaging. In 2024, brands will be expected to go beyond surface-level marketing around major cultural moments. They’ll need to deeply incorporate inclusivity into all their social content and initiatives. Audiences, especially younger generations, will call out lazy attempts or inauthentic portrayals.
  • More Social Listening and Audience Insights

Social listening is a social media marketing trend to look out for. To create effective social strategies, companies will invest heavily in tools for social listening and audience analysis in 2024. This means closely monitoring what users say about their brand, competitors, and industry on social media. It also means using analytics to deeply understand their followers’ demographics, interests, behaviours, and sentiments. These insights will guide smarter, more personalized social content and ad targeting.
  • An Emphasis on First-Party Data

As data privacy restrictions increase, first-party data collected directly from your customers and followers will become much more valuable than third-party data bought from outside sources. Brands will focus on growing their owned audiences and customer databases through lead generation, engagement, and incentives on social platforms. This first-party data ensures better personalization while complying with privacy rules.
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Final Thoughts

Those are some of the biggest social media marketing trends that companies should prepare for in 2024. As always, social media will continue rapidly evolving and bringing new challenges and opportunities.
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This article was first published on 30th May 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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