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connectnigeria-rice-production-generates-N400B-to-Nigeria's-economy Rice production has generated about N400 billion to the Nigerian economy in the last 3 years, a top Nigerian government official has stated. Speaking at the second Nigeria Rice Investment Forum in Abuja on Monday, Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, said Nigeria has currently attained 80 per cent self-sufficiency in paddy rice production as well as added seven million metric tonnes of paddy rice to the domestic food supply in 2013. He stated that with the establishment of 18 rice integrated mills across the country, Nigeria would not only achieve self-sufficiency in rice production but also would become a net exporter of food. “What has happened as a result of this is that our rice farmers have allowed us to add N400 billion worth of value of rice into the economy. The challenge we have today is not in the production of paddy rice but how to close the milling gaps.” Mr Adeshina said. He added: “When we started, there was only one integrated rice mill in the country, but today there are 18 of them within the period of two and half years.” The minister who was Forbes magazine’s 2013 man of the year reiterated that Nigeria should not  continue to import rice worth N365 billion yearly owing to the nation’s endowment with arable land and deep water resources. He added that 24 states in Nigeria are now growing rice during the dry season, adding that all 36 states and the FCT are equally engaged in rice production during the wet season. On the improvement of the quality of the locally produced rice, he argued that Nigerian rice now competes favourably with the imported rice from Asian countries.‎ About the author: Michael Abimboye is a publicist and freelance entertainment journalist. He enjoys soccer and hanging out with friends. Follow him on @mmakesense.     

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This article was first published on 18th November 2014

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