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  Let’s face it—sugar is delicious. But too much of it isn’t doing our bodies any favours. Whether you’re looking to shed pounds, increase your energy, or prioritize your health, reducing your sugar intake is wise. The tricky part? Sugar seems to be everywhere! The good news is, that reducing sugar doesn’t mean giving up all the foods you love. It’s all about making small, simple changes that add up over time. Here’s how you can reduce your sugar intake and keep your long-term health in check:
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  1. Know Where Sugar Hides

Sugar isn’t just in cookies, cakes, and candy. It’s hiding in foods you wouldn’t expect—like bread, pasta sauce, salad dressing, and even yoghurt. The first step to cutting back is knowing where sugar is sneaking into your diet. Start reading labels, especially on packaged foods. Look for ingredients like corn syrup, fructose, sucrose, and anything ending in “-ose”—those are all types of sugar. Once you know where it’s hiding, you can make better choices.
  1. Start with Small Changes

Going cold turkey on sugar might feel overwhelming, so start small. You don’t have to eliminate it all at once. Try cutting down on one sugary food at a time. If you usually add two spoonfuls of sugar to your coffee, try using one instead. Swap out sugary cereal for a low-sugar option. Making these gradual changes makes it easier to stick to your plan without feeling deprived.
  1. Swap Sugary Drinks for Water (or Alternatives)

Sugary drinks are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to added sugar. Sodas, energy drinks, and even some fruit juices pack a ton of sugar. One of the easiest ways to cut down on sugar is to swap these out for water, sparkling water, or unsweetened herbal tea. If plain water feels boring, try adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or mint for a little extra flavour without the sugar hit.
  1. Opt for Whole Fruits Instead of Fruit Juice

Fruit is naturally sweet and full of good stuff like fibre and vitamins. But fruit juice? That’s a different story. Even 100% fruit juice can have a lot of sugar, and it lacks the fibre that helps slow down sugar absorption. Try eating whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juice. Not only will you cut back on sugar, but you’ll also feel fuller longer because of the fibre.
  1. Snack Smart

Sugary snacks like cookies, candy, and pastries are often easy to reach for when hunger strikes, but they’re not doing your health any favours. Instead, keep healthier snacks on hand, like nuts, seeds, yoghurt, or fresh fruit. These options will satisfy your hunger and give you the energy you need without the sugar crash that comes after eating sugary snacks.
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  1. Cook More at Home

One of the best ways to control how much sugar you’re eating is to cook more meals at home. Restaurants and takeout often add extra sugar to sauces, dressings, and marinades. When you’re cooking at home, you have full control over what goes into your food. You can use natural ingredients and avoid hidden sugars that are often in processed foods. Plus, cooking at home can be fun and creative!
  1. Use Natural Sweeteners (In Moderation)

If you have a sweet tooth, cutting out sugar completely might feel impossible. Try using natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or stevia in moderation instead of reaching for processed sugar. These options still add sweetness but can have less of an impact on your blood sugar levels compared to refined sugar. Just remember, natural sweeteners should still be used sparingly.
  1. Watch Out for “Low-Fat” and “Diet” Foods

It sounds counterintuitive, but many “low-fat” or “diet” foods have more sugar than their regular counterparts. Why? Because when food manufacturers take out fat, they often add sugar to make the food taste better. So, when choosing foods, don’t just look at the calorie or fat content—check the sugar content too. Sometimes, it’s better to go with the full-fat version if it means less sugar!
  1. Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth with Natural Options

If you’re craving something sweet, there are healthier ways to satisfy your taste buds. Instead of grabbing a candy bar or a doughnut, try reaching for naturally sweet foods like berries, apples, or even a square of dark chocolate. These options will still give you that sweet taste without all the added sugar, and they come with the bonus of nutrients like fibre and antioxidants.
  1. Be Mindful of Portions

“Even if you’re eating something sweet, you don’t have to overindulge.” Being mindful of portion sizes can make a big difference. Take a smaller portion and eat it slowly if you’re having dessert. Savour the taste, and you might find that you’re satisfied with less than you thought. This way, you can still enjoy your favourite treats without going overboard on sugar.
  1. Stay Consistent and Celebrate Progress

Reducing your sugar intake isn’t about being perfect—it’s about making healthier choices over time. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up or indulge in a sugary treat now and then. The goal is long-term health, so stay consistent with your changes, and celebrate the progress you make along the way. Every small step counts!
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Final Thoughts

reducing your sugar intake doesn’t have to feel like a punishment. When you make small, sustainable changes and are mindful of what you’re eating, you can reduce your sugar intake and improve your long-term health. So, take it one step at a time, and remember that every little change brings you closer to a healthier, happier you!
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This article was first published on 25th September 2024 and updated on September 26th, 2024 at 11:21 am


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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