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Samson in the Kingstone Graphic Bible
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By Steve Harris Life Strategist Steve Harris presents the first part of a six-part series on the adventures and escapades of Samson in the book of Judges. 1. Hey, I’m Samson and don’t call me Sam and no, I ain’t your son either. #RealScript 2. I’m a Judge and no, I don’t mean one of those guys with a wig and gown. I’m the Head Honcho. #RealScript 3. I’m kinda famous in these parts, ripped a lion into two with my bare hands when I was a teenager. #RealScript 4. Carried the city gates to the top of a hill when some guys from Philly came to lock me down. That was fun! #RealScript 5. Let me tell you about that. #RealScript 6. I’d hung out at the club and took a chic home and some morons wanted to put a cleaver through my cranium. #RealScript 7. They’d locked down the city gates from the outside and waited till morning to kill me. #RealScript 8. Jerks! I carried the damn gates to the top of a hill at night! They knew better than to mess with me after that #RealScript 9. That was hilarious! So. I’m pretty much the Enforcer. Even though Israel is under Philistine occupation #RealScript 10. The rulers of Israel think I’m a trouble maker and the Philistines think I’m a threat. #RealScript 11. Folks wonder how I got this strong. I ain’t no gym rat. #RealScript 12. My mom says she met an Angel before I was born, lol. Don’t buy that, every mom thinks their kid’s special. #RealScript. 13. Though I’ve noticed, every time I’m in some sorta jam, a Spirit gets into me and takes over. #RealScript 14. My folks say its the Spirit of the Lord. Could be. Don’t really understand it. #RealScript 15. So I can’t drink (but I do), can’t get a haircut (that sucks) and I’m on every barbers most wanted list. 16. And every woman in the 10 cities and a 100 mile radius wants me. #RealScript 17. My folks say I’m chosen, sacred, a Nazarite. #RealScript 18. Everyone expects me to behave in a certain ‘spiritual’ way, but that ain’t who I am…all the time. I didn’t ask for this. #RealScript 19. The bar’s too high, they can all go to Sheol and Hades for all I care! #RealScript 20. My folks say I hang out with the wrong crowd and my chics are too racy. #RealScript 21. Though I must confess I do have a certain interest in exotic women. #RealScript 22. Ain’t gonna let anyone cramp my style. They partied hard in their generation, now its my turn. #RealScript 23. Was married once. Lasted a week! She ended up with my best man. #RealScript 24. Don’t laugh. It ain’t funny! #RealScript 25. Lost a lot of pride and money in that relationship. She made a fool of me. #RealScript 26. Ended up torching the fields of Gaza with 300 foxes tied tail to tail. #RealScript 27. Vengeance is a dish best served right out of Sheol’s oven! #RealScript 28. So I’ve got a heck of a lot of responsibility. Keeping the peace and stopping them Philly Raiders from looting us. #RealScript 29. But between you and I, I’m conflicted. #RealScript 30. Sometimes I feel so much of Yahweh and other times, I’m cussing like a sailor & going off  with some babes. #RealScript 31. I feel like an ass when it’s all over, but yet, I feel Yahweh calling me back. #RealScript 32. How can I be used by HIM and feel so useless in the same instant? #RealScript 33. Strong like a lion on the outside, but powerless like a pussycat on the inside. #RealScript 34. Holy today, and hanging out with the uncircumcized tomorrow. Do you feel me? #RealScript 34b. Sanctified by Yahweh by dawn’s first light and a Sinner by nightfall. #RealScript 35. Anyways, that’s me reflecting. Enough of that, I’m going across the border tonight. #RealScript 36. I’m off to Gath to have a night on the town with Hazael and the guys. It’s been a week and a half. #RealScript 37. Gath and Ashkelon are the Metropolis of Philistia. These Philly folks are a rowdy bunch, always cussing and always up for a good fight. #RealScript 38. And boy, do we oblige them. Hahahaha! #RealScript 39. And their women… Long, silky hair, blue eyes and a body to die for. And the things they can do to a man are LEGENDARY, trust me, I know! #RealScript Steve Harris is a motivational speaker and chief executive officer of EdgeEcution (pronounced Edge – E- Cution), a management consulting firm that assists clients in gaining competitive edge by enhancing the performance of its people through consulting and training interventions. Learn more at, and follow him on Twitter @iamsteveharris  

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This article was first published on 22nd November 2013

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