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By Nehi Igbinijesu The blare, horns, blare And the angered, frustrated faces Listless- Ridden with unwinding care Useless words and many swear phrases Cleft and sea befuddling Bemused at files like ants at a sugarhill And the peace languidly debased Both noised and fumed From an Oshodi-bound driver crazed Then a creaked shatter Alone behind her screen Butted. Fidgety, Robbed Frighted and saddened Demeaned silly for driving apiece By miserable mystery window shoppers Lurking like vixens on nightly prey Removed from the troubles And frills the day with Comatose this man in saliva Deep slept from harm’s way Awakened suddenly By maddened rancour unleashed As night quickly hastened Several blares and smashes And deep cinched lacerations More crying from squalor Than sitting gruesomely Still wailing and paling Behind an Oshodi-bound driver crazed   This Poem is part of the anthology of 30 Poems titled: “Dirges of The Niger” By Nehi Igbinijesu.  

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This article was first published on 18th January 2013 and updated on January 20th, 2013 at 9:59 pm

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