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By Kobe Eru Godwin  
Besides still waters I lay Quiet, Calm like the silence of the lamb With broken words and a rusty crucifix I pray Cold breaths expel, break the gathering of air On the edge of pain and desire Shadows lost in the dark, mind so unclear My thoughts run so deep, like scars of a runaway slave The safest place I dwell, my heart A lonely poet, incarcerated, chapters of wisdom, a place time forgot  Fragment of scriptures, the writings on my wall Images of my me, faint traces, mild and bold sketches The genesis of my all No footsteps on the ground, no sound to follow No fire flies to guide my path The Sun far asleep, the Moon, not close to borrow With the colours of the night, my past I paint A facet of lost times, late in September In memories of nobody  It is you I remember      

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This article was first published on 28th March 2013 and updated on June 19th, 2013 at 10:10 am

Comments (1)

One thought on “Poem: Memories of Nobody”

  • Ire

    With this i relate…so sad…but then i find ,The safest place and I dwell, and thats my heart

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