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By Kobe Eru Godwin  
No sound from distance chant No symphony from holy house of worship No mothers call, no babies cry Few hands to hold when fathers die No bravery In silence, with broken tongues, prayers we say to lost souls Names engraved on head stones This land painted by the hand of God, called beautiful Now, a once upon a time   Like a thief in the night On a thousand hooves they rode with intents, far from peace Sparks of bullets lit gray skies Dark clouds gathered, to pray like the heavens lost an Angel Stole our arts, battered the depth of our culture Bodies, left to be scavenged by vultures To the shadows of caves, the weak ran With grace to hold another day, The twilight of the horizons, we follow   My inside all turn to ash, I smolder Fear crawls beneath skin to bone Everything is beyond grip, slowly dying or is gone In whispers I ask myself, whose land is this? The land of my birth, a place I call home On a crossroad of cemeteries Should I live to forgive, love or hate I ponder, alone with my thoughts, my pen and my slate.

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This article was first published on 6th February 2013 and updated on June 19th, 2013 at 10:11 am

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