
Search result for: Men You Should Know

Food Health

Did you Know? 8 Foods That Can Ease Morning Sickness In Pregnancy

April 19, 2022

Morning sickness is a pregnancy symptom that is marked by nausea and occasional vomiting. Some women experience it in their first trimester while others deal with this symptom throughout their pregnancy. Read more about Foods My friend, Omalicha experienced morning sickness in all her pregnancies. According to her, it was usually her first sign of … Continue reading Did you Know? 8 Foods That Can Ease Morning Sickness In Pregnancy

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What You Should Know About Dual Career System

April 19, 2022

Gone are the days when people stick to just one career path or job, with the continuing increase in technology, individuals have come to accept that they can have more than one career path. This means that such individuals have to be prepared and equipped to venture into multiple careers and opportunities. Read more about … Continue reading What You Should Know About Dual Career System

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3 Must-Reads To Grow Your Business

April 19, 2022

Some business owners want business growth but solely rely on personal experience, which leads to failure. To prevent this, entrepreneurs should look into the wisdom that can be gleaned from the experience of other widertherwider business owners, consultants, or people in the expertise needed for that business to grow. This is why business owners need … Continue reading 3 Must-Reads To Grow Your Business

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5 Things You Need To Know Before Making An Investment Decision

April 19, 2022

  Making investments has to be one of the most effective ways to help you build long-term wealth. Inasmuch as it could be overwhelming at times coupled with vast investment options made available, the truth is you don’t need to be a financial expert to be successful at it.The most important thing is to understand … Continue reading 5 Things You Need To Know Before Making An Investment Decision

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BUSINESS Fashion Social Media

6 Ways To Use Instagram For Your Fashion Business

April 19, 2022

By now, you should not doubt the power of Instagram and the influence it has on businesses, as the platform has accounted for the success of various businesses. As a fashion entrepreneur, it is important that in this day and age you know how to leverage the platform’s advantages to your business growth and development. … Continue reading 6 Ways To Use Instagram For Your Fashion Business


3 Tips On How To Connect With Your Customers As A Fashion Entrepreneur

April 19, 2022

The emergence of numerous fashion businesses in Nigeria has brought about a healthy competition in the fashion industry. It is mandatory that fashion businesses find strategies on how to connect with their customers. To achieve this, businesses need to collect relevant data from their customers to know how to increase their customer engagement opportunities. Read more … Continue reading 3 Tips On How To Connect With Your Customers As A Fashion Entrepreneur

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Did You Know? Discover Nigeria Tourism

Did You Know: Hidden Treasures In Nigeria To Explore In 2022 (Pt 2)

April 19, 2022

Have you ever read through the packages offered by other countries for tourism? There is so much Nigeria has that has not been material for tourism exploration. We have looked at rolling hills, sand dunes, waterfalls, quarries, etc. but there are still more hidden treasures to tap into in Nigeria. Read more about Tourism There … Continue reading Did You Know: Hidden Treasures In Nigeria To Explore In 2022 (Pt 2)

By ann

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Real Estate

How To Make Your Property Attractive To Buyers And Renters

April 19, 2022

If you’re looking to sell or rent out a property, you’ll want to do so as quickly as possible, and for a price that’s a good deal for you. Sometimes you’ll achieve this with ease; but fairly often, you may fail to excite interest from buyers or tenants for a long while. Read more about … Continue reading How To Make Your Property Attractive To Buyers And Renters

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Social Media

Easy Ways To Make Your Social Media More Inclusive

April 19, 2022

  Social media has become the bedrock of human existence in the 21st century; the different social media handles that exist have all aim to create a relatively hassle-free experience for their users. These social media platforms are known to have made updates to provide the best user experience for as many people as possible, … Continue reading Easy Ways To Make Your Social Media More Inclusive

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5 Secrets Young Entrepreneurs Can Learn From 5 Leading Billionaires In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

    It was Isaac Newton that rightly stated that “if you want to see higher, stand on the shoulders of giants.” This aphorism is true, especially in the business world. At one point, successful and wealthy entrepreneurs have traced their successes to mentors and role models.  Read more about Business Being an entrepreneur in … Continue reading 5 Secrets Young Entrepreneurs Can Learn From 5 Leading Billionaires In Nigeria

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5 Engaging Marketing Print Advertising Ideas That Can Draw Customers To Your Business 

April 19, 2022

  These days, many people often believe that traditional marketing ideas like print advertisements are outdated. But they are all wrong. Even the biggest brands like Coca-Cola and Tecno are still involved in print advertising campaigns. If you should drive around the highways of Lagos and Abuja and Enugu, you will find giant billboards advertising … Continue reading 5 Engaging Marketing Print Advertising Ideas That Can Draw Customers To Your Business 

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Social Media

What You Need To Know About Choosing The Perfect Social Media Agency For Your Brand

April 19, 2022

Sometimes, it can prove difficult to choose the perfect social media agency for your business or brand. Every year, social media agencies sign up on the internet and readily appear as results when they are searched on Google. Since millions of people and brands use social media, it is imperative that one works with a … Continue reading What You Need To Know About Choosing The Perfect Social Media Agency For Your Brand

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Fitness Wellness

What You Should Know About Anxiety 

April 19, 2022

Anxiety can be defined as an irrational fear of situations that are normal for others. For instance, someone who has a fear of flying has an anxiety disorder called Aerophobia. Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety. But it becomes a medical disorder when it interferes with a person’s quality of life. Someone with a social anxiety … Continue reading What You Should Know About Anxiety 

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How Marketing Objectives Can Keep Your Business On Track

April 19, 2022

Marketing objectives are measurable goals that outline what the end results of your marketing strategy should be. Their sole purpose is to define the aim of the marketing team, provide understandable flowchart for team members to follow, providing the right information to higher management for better development, review and support. Before working on any great … Continue reading How Marketing Objectives Can Keep Your Business On Track

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4 Ways To Make Customers Stay Loyal To Your Brand

April 19, 2022

  Without solid customer loyalty, your brand will go into oblivion in a matter of time. There are countless companies in Nigeria and the world at large, that shut down due to poor customer loyalty. Wise business owners make building customer loyalty a fundamental target for their marketing strategies. Based on several sources, custom loyalty … Continue reading 4 Ways To Make Customers Stay Loyal To Your Brand

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