
Search result for: Men You Should Know


How to Make Sales Online

April 19, 2022

  By Tessa Doghor One of the ways to make sales online is to show your audience that you are human. ‘No one wants to know how much you know until they know how much you care’. It is still true today. Your potential consumers want you to care about them and about meeting their … Continue reading How to Make Sales Online

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BUSINESS CAREER Tip of the Day Uncategorized

5 Rules for Customer Retention

April 19, 2022

  One fact remains in business; you can’t survive without customers. A business without clients is like a well without water. Whether you are into products or services, a business is worthless without clients. In business today, sales representatives go through a lot to secure new clients and face a lot of challenges to retain … Continue reading 5 Rules for Customer Retention

By kobe

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Media Opinion

Media Turns Boko Haram Into ‘Superstar Monsters’

April 19, 2022

By Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani My friend’s eight-year-old daughter burst into tears while watching a Boko Haram video release on TV the other evening. The  terrorist group has been receiving the kind of local and international media  coverage that could make even a Hollywood megastar explode with envy. At the current rate, the group’s leader, Abubakar Shekau, … Continue reading Media Turns Boko Haram Into ‘Superstar Monsters’

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Health Tip of the Day

3 Tips to Becoming Health Conscious

April 19, 2022

  By Ebun Oluwole  Many of us have this nonchalant attitude towards our health and lifestyle and it’s not entirely our fault. Many factors contribute to this attitude such as the proximity of fresh food, the terrible state of our public hospitals, exorbitance of the private ones, and the pollution that comes from waste not … Continue reading 3 Tips to Becoming Health Conscious

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The New Nigerian Kitchen: Egusi Devilled Eggs

April 19, 2022

  By Ozoz Sokoh  These are a few of my favourite things: Wings and Inspirational recipes. Like the one I share today. Egusi Devilled Eggs. Wings, The print in-flight Magazine published quarterly by Arik Air Nigeria. One good thing they do for the country and Africa in general. I collect them. I have family collect them for me. … Continue reading The New Nigerian Kitchen: Egusi Devilled Eggs

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Beauty Opinion Uncategorized

Following the Natural Hair Journey

April 19, 2022

  By Ebun Oluwole  For many of us (ladies), the concept of a healthy hair journey seemed like an utopian task especially before the popularity of the internet. It was an ideology we could only connect with via foreign movies and music videos. In order to satisfy this far- fetched need, our local industry began to manufacture synthetic weaves. … Continue reading Following the Natural Hair Journey

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When Will our Girls Return Home?

April 19, 2022

By Toks Ero I am sad that bomb blasts have become a regular occurrence in Nigeria. In less than a month, we have had two in Nyanya, Abuja killing scores of Nigerian’s. The abduction of over 200 or rather almost 300 school girls in a secondary school in Chibok, Borno State by the daredevil boko … Continue reading When Will our Girls Return Home?

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Creative Industry Opinion Tip of the Day

10 Rules for Good Writing

April 19, 2022

    The act of writing has been a form of communication since the existence of man. A different form of writing was used in the medieval days, not the use of letters but signs and symbols called hieroglyphs. It was predominantly used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians before the creation of modern ways … Continue reading 10 Rules for Good Writing

By kobe

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Media Opinion

Our Responsibility – Bring Back Our Girls

April 19, 2022

  By Kanayo Aniegboka  For over two weeks, the world has mourned with us, Nigerians, over the abduction of about two hundred teenage girls from a high school in northern Nigeria. As blood chilling and unimaginable as the thought of what the girls must be going through in the hands of their abductors is, perplexing is … Continue reading Our Responsibility – Bring Back Our Girls

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Opinion Tip of the Day

Before 30: Panic or Celebrate?

April 19, 2022

      The phrase ‘the big three O’ (as 30 is often referred to) is usually uttered with great fear. I had never figured out why, especially when it is said that life begins at 40 but I guess, 30 is the year you realize you can never be a child again. It seemed … Continue reading Before 30: Panic or Celebrate?

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Housing News Tip of the Day

How to Find the Perfect House

April 19, 2022

  One of the most stressful things to do is house-hunt, especially if you haven’t a clue what to look for and how. I, having the unfortunate advantage of not being born in Lagos, had to find my own place of abode and the process taught me a few things. Strike up a relationship with … Continue reading How to Find the Perfect House

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Food Tip of the Day

How to Make Chapman

April 19, 2022

  By Ozoz Sokoh    Surely, any drink that has a double-barelled reference to men in one word is worth a closer look. Enter Chapman. def. Chapman – an archaic term for an itinerant peddler    I assure you that this refreshing cocktail (contrary to the suggestions above) is neither come and go (it is here for ALL seasons) nor unstable in … Continue reading How to Make Chapman

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CAREER Opinion Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day: How to Concentrate

April 19, 2022

      C-o-n-c-e-n-t-r-a-t-i-o-n. I’m sure focusing on that word alone was challenging, but not to worry, tips of the day to the rescue. Concentration is an essential component to having productive days and achieving our goals in a timely manner. Many have blamed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for a lack of concentration but … Continue reading Tip of the Day: How to Concentrate

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CAREER Opinion Personality

Success is Intentional

April 19, 2022

  By Adesola Ogunmuyiwa Point out a man who isn’t aware that success in life takes an intentional effort and I might be able to prove to you a man who has probably blamed the world for his failure. To blame people for your situation is to reject responsibility for where you ought to go and who … Continue reading Success is Intentional

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Food Tip of the Day

How to Make Frejon: Of Nigerian and Brazilian History

April 19, 2022

By Ozoz Sokoh Connectedness. The thing that fascinates me the most in life. If I had to narrow down the things I find fascinating. This would be one of them. Connectedness – of people, places and things. Brazil. Nigeria. Connected. By slavery and freedom. In culture and cuisine. Like Carnivals. Connected, with thick tropical rainforests … Continue reading How to Make Frejon: Of Nigerian and Brazilian History

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