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The action movie, Klippers, will be hitting the cinemas in Nigeria on the 10th of August 2018. It was written and directed by Maiduguri-born actor and writer, Ofu Obekpa. He acted the king’s guard in Black Panther and has also featured in American Made and Captain America: Civil War. This new action thriller bears testimony to his passion for making great movies.

The movie’s plot is one in which an assassin is sent by his psychotic employer to kill his ex-wife. In his quest to accomplish his task, he complicates his mission after becoming familiar with his target. He thus is left to face the consequences of his actions. The cast includes Kevin Nash, Conphidance, Francine Lock, Robert Pralgo and Libby Blanton.

Speaking about his experience, Obekpa, said “Nothing good comes easy and only those who step out of their comfort zone determined to actualize their dreams can make it. I was fully aware of this especially taking the highly competitive movie terrain into consideration. I ensured I wrote a good screenplay which Kevin Nash and other Hollywood Celebrity actors could not resist and wanted to be a part of. I also drew heavily from what I learnt in the Film Connection from my mentor, Kevin Christopher of Rite Media in Atlanta. The rest, as they say, is history and I’m elated that Nigerians will watch an action-packed movie that they can be proud of.”

Furthermore, movie critics have rated Klippers as one of the best action movie produced by a Nigerian in the diaspora.

Klippers was produced by Skyrunner Productions. It will also be premiering in Czech Republic, Japan, France, Russia, Poland, Brazil, and Spain after its opening in Nigeria.

Movie Trailer:

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This article was first published on 12th July 2018


Akwaowo Willie is a social media consultant for several businesses including SMEs and Startups. He is also an entrepreneur and writer with interests in entertainment, media, fashion, among others. He is married, with 2 adorable children.

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