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Palm oil is highly nutritious and is an extremely useful cooking oil offering a lot of health benefits. It’s derived majorly from two kinds of palm fruit; African palm oil (Elaeis guineensis) which is found in African regions, and the American oil palm (Elaeis oleifera) which is found in South America. It contains natural unique phytonutrients that are proven to be beneficial to human health. It’s naturally reddish-orange in colour because of the high beta-carotene contents and is frequently used as cooking oil in Africa, Asian continents and South America. The Palm oil is healthier when compared to coconut oil and olive oil.  Additionally, its saturated vegetable fats increase the LDL cholesterol levels in a person’s body. Furthermore, it is a natural source of Carotenoids & Vitamin E as well as supplying fatty acids and other essential fat-soluble micronutrients. The quantities of calories that gives us much-needed energy for our daily life is supplied by the red palm oil.

Some of the benefits palm oil contributes to our health are:

 Palm Oil improves vision:

It contains a mass of antioxidants that work as body defence mechanisms. They are the beneficial by-products of cellular metabolism that protects the body from free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for a lot of cellular breakdown and mutation, including the damage that can cause vision issues. Studies have shown that its usage can decrease the occurrence of cataracts and prevent macular degeneration.

It reduces the hazard of cancer:

Tocopherols, a form of vitamin E, found in it can help prevent cancer by blocking and subduing free radicals that can incur bodily harm to vital body organs. It fights against prostate cancer, breast cancer, skin etc.

 It diminishes the risk of stroke:

Studies have shown that palm oil has powerful components as it reduces the risk of stroke attack. Red palm oil contains high properties of HDL and LDL – though one is good (HDL) and the other is bad (LDL), it can still create a healthier balance in your body. The high levels of LDL cholesterol can increase the chances of atherosclerosis, which can cause strokes and heart attacks. By sustaining a healthy balance of cholesterol, you can be assured of a healthier body system.

Guarantees healthier pregnancy:

Lack of vitamins is dangerous for pregnant women, as it threatens their health condition and that of their unborn babies. Desirable quantities of vitamin E, A and D found in palm oil are necessary to our body. Hence, adding it to our diet eliminates vitamin deficiencies.

Improves energy levels:

One of the fundamental components of palm oil, ‘Beta-carotene’, is excellent for improving energy levels and boosting hormonal coordination in the body.

Suitable for a healthier skin:

Including palm oil in your diet can assist in the maintenance of a healthy, supple skin. Both the tocotrienols and mixed carotenes naturally accumulate in the outermost layer of the epidermis, which eventually shields the hair and skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. This explains why red palm oil has also been linked to reduced risk of cancers of the skin.

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This article was first published on 26th September 2017


Becky Onoise is a psychologist, chocolate junkie, and puppy lover. A writer who is sorry... not sorry about correcting your grammar. She's a word enthusiast and aims to achieve her goals. Instagram handle @mz_berkey

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