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As the year comes to an end, a majority of us want to put an end to habits we are not comfortable with. We want to improve and become better people in the coming years and one of the most common ways to set a new path is with making New Year resolutions. They might be easy to write and list out, but the difficult part lies in sticking to them and actually achieving them in the long run. There would be temptations and challenges along the line and sometimes they become so many that we eventually give up. However, next year can be different if you do the following things:

1. Ask why you need to change: Before you make up your mind to desist from a certain habit, you need to find out the difference it would make when you eventually stop doing it. It is the same thing as weighing the advantages over the disadvantages to deduce why you need to change. So before making any big resolutions, convince yourself with the things you stand to gain and the reasons why it is necessary to change. If you do not believe in it, why do it?

2. Decide to change on your own: No one can make you change your habits until you truly decide to do so without pressure from friends or family. New Year resolutions are usually for our own benefit because we want to improve and become better. Sticking to them is not easy except they come from the bottom of your heart, so if you are changing because someone is forcing you to, know that it may not last long.

3. Resist temptation: Old habits die hard and it would take more than just a piece of paper to change a long time habit. The good news is that anything is possible once you set your mind to it. In order to stick to your resolutions, you should learn how to overcome temptations no matter how tricky they are. They are inevitable and at one point or the other, you will be faced with them whether you like it or not, so the important thing is to know how to resist and move forward.

4. Give yourself a time-limit: Procrastination is an enemy that threatens to affect whatever you do if you let it. Since you have set out to do something new, the best time to do it is as soon as possible. Once you set a time limit to accomplish what you need to do, it becomes easier to achieve because there is a deadline on ground.

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This article was first published on 26th December 2016
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Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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