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Midnight Crew’s Pat Uwaje-King has released a brand new single ‘He’s Done Me Well’ as a Valentine Special for all her fans. The new single comes just after the video release of her first solo single, ‘EZE’ in December 2013. This recent release is Pat’s expression of praise and thanksgiving to God for His marvelous works. The song is yet again characterized by her sonorous voice, heartfelt lyrics and signature ad-lib which will make any God-lover melt with excitement. Produced by the award-winning Wole Oni, the song is a fusion of English, Igbo and Yoruba languages with a touch of the South Africa expression ‘Iyooo!!!’ The video of the song is slated for release on Pat’s birthday in March. You can’t but love this one! Enjoy…. Download the song HERE.  

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This article was first published on 14th February 2014

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