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ConnectNigeria-Ebola Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have donated $25 million to the Centers for Disease Control Foundation. This news was recently announced by the Facebook founder himself. The Ebola virus that broke out in West Africa has infected more than 8000 people and killed over 4000. Estimated to be one of the deadliest epidemic of modern times, the Ebola virus, now in the USA, requires at least $1 billion to end its spread. In response to this, Zuckerberg’s donation will provide much-needed funds. But how will the funds be used? “This significant contribution from Mark Zuckerberg and Dr. Priscilla Chan will help us rapidly advance the fight against Ebola,” CDC Director Tom Frieden said. The money will go to the CDC Foundation’s Global Disaster Response Fund to help expeditiously address needs that are identified by CDC experts on the ground, and that could otherwise go unmet,” the statement said. Those needs include things like; equipment for community care centers, training local staff, generators, vehicles to transport lab specimens, identifying Ebola cases and tracing their contacts while providing safe burials, and translation services. The CDC staff were most probably singled out for the grant due to their selfless efforts to curtail the virus. They have been involved in the Ebola research since its outbreak and 150 of their staff will soon be on the ground in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. Medical opinions worldwide agree that the only way to contain the outbreak is to get it under control in West Africa. Zuckerberg concludes his speech by adding that, “If we don’t get this under control soon, then it will spread and become an epidemic we have to deal with for decades to come.”    

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This article was first published on 15th October 2014

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