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There has always been an inferior price tag placed on products made in Nigeria, and the painful reality is that it is done by Nigerians themselves. People always assume that it is of a low quality if it is made in Nigeria.
Read more about Made in Nigeria
Nigerians like foreign things: foreign clothes, foreign shoes, foreign hair, foreign beauty products. It is quite disturbing that some even prefer okirika (second hand clothing) to a new made in Nigeria outfit. When asked, the response is always, ‘it lasts more‘ or ‘I prefer it’. The narrative is however gradually changing, Nigerian designers have proven themselves to be just as good as their foreign counterparts. It is beautiful to see even foreigners wear our made in Nigeria designs with so much happiness and enthusiasm. There are many benefits when we purchase from our brothers and sisters. Price Often times, when purchasing items sold in other countries, there is the issue of currency exchange. You have to calculate the worth of such item in naira or go through the stress of trying to pay in a foreign currency. As naira depreciates every now and then, the foreign products become more expensive. The price shoots up and up.  Nigerian designers consider the economy before adding price to their items. The price of the items written in naira are usually affordable. Delivery The cost of delivery gulps up money. At times, it is almost a tangible percent of the item you are purchasing.  You may also have to wait for days, weeks or months to receive your package. Deliveries in Nigeria cost less and are faster, because the products are sent within the country. Returning wrong order If there is a mistake with your order, it will be easier to return when it is purchased in Nigeria, unlike having to return a product outside the country. Economy It promotes our economy. The money stays within. It is also a source of income for many. It promotes creativity Made in Nigeria designs promote creativity in the county by the old and young. Lots of talents have been unleashed and a lot more will be birthed when made in Nigeria items are seen as valuable and must-haves. Some beautiful Made in Nigeria items
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  1.  Bimbo Ademoye birthday outfit
Bimbo Ademoye recently celebrated her birthday. She wore this red haute couture made by a Nigerian designer, somobysomo and was styled by seun whose brand name is styledbyseun. This dress is beautifully and creatively made and the fit is perfect. 
  1. Raffia handbag
This bag was made in Nigeria by leyelesi. It is a Mini Toks Raffia handbag. One beautiful thing about the picture is the background. The walls and the iron depict the everyday Nigerian environment. The bag is a locally made design with modern sophistication. 3. Made in Nigeria suit The Garza-Grossa brown stripes double breasted suit with off white trousers, was made by shirtfreak, a Nigerian brand owned by Philip Ojire. The brand uses Nigerians as its models, ranging from actors to influencers, etc. Made in Nigeria items can be creative and quality. More importantly, it is designed to fit the Nigerian society. Next time you are shopping, consider spending some of that money buying clothes, shoes, bags, and whatever suit you from Nigerian designers.
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This article was first published on 13th February 2022
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My name is Agbagba Bukola. I write about the business and exciting world of fashion.

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